Rep. Don Young (R-AK) has died

Obit. After 25 terms in the House, he’s finally gone. The man did some good things for Alaska, but far too few. He was an advocate for the Alaska Natives, but that was tempered by his racist and misogynistic views, and his generally nasty disposition toward anyone he considered a liberal. He was also punished for fraudulent behavior, but was never prosecuted. At one point, he had the worst attendance record in the House and it nearly cost him reelection.

I met him once and found him to be falsely congenial, entitled, and unpleasant to be around. I hope Alaska can find a better person to fill his seat, although I’m sure the present governor will appoint someone even more egregious.

The Governor doesn’t appoint vacancies to the House. Must be filled by a special election Article I, s. 2, clause 4.


I want to reply to this, but (checks forum) note that this is a breaking news thread in MPSIMS. If you want to comment along these lines, please take it to another thread, probably in another forum.

Or, since it’s my thread, you could just move it to the Pit.

Sure, off to the pit it goes.

Great! Now I can say “what a cheap, lying, no-good, rotten, four-flushing, low-life, snake-licking, dirt-eating, inbred, overstuffed, ignorant, blood-sucking, dog-kissing, brainless, dickless, hopeless, heartless, fat-ass, bug-eyed, stiff-legged, spotty-lipped, worm-headed sack of monkey shit he (was)!”

You don’t even know how a Representative is replaced. Hint: it’s not appointment by the governor. Why should anyone take your opinion seriously on the subject, when you don’t even possess basic facts?

Getting something wrong that varies by state hardly equals dismissal of the rest of his OP. Clearly you’re no one to take seriously.

I heartily agree with the “Piss on Don Young” bandwagon. Mother-fucker was a waste of space.

(Bolding mine.)

Objection, Your Honor! Presumes facts not in evidence. I need proof that he fucked his mother.

Don Young fucked the people of Alaska. His mother lived in Alaska. Therefore…


You left out that he was grossly dishonest, even as politician go. He embezzled. He solicited kick backs.

Shouldn’t be hard.

As an Alaska resident formerly represented by Congressman Don Young I take offense at the implication that we might find a better representative. We have a clear and unbroken record of electing worse and worse people every time we have the opportunity. Trust us, we will find an even bigger asshole.

Classic :rofl:

Because, dickhead, it’s an irrelevant point in the discussion of Young’s character.


Why should anyone take your opinion seriously when you’re such a two-faced, sniveling, selfish mass of pus?

I used to watch that Alaska State Troopers show. It always gave me impression that everyone in Alaska is an alcoholic, on meth, and unemployed. Nothing I’ve ever seen since has effectively refuted that impression.

The fact that they would repeatedly elect this man to office is really no surprise. His replacement will certainly be even worse.

Will Sarah Palin run?

Don Young lost my support when he publicly blamed a bunch of high schools students for their friend’s recent suicide, saying such deaths show a lack of support from friends.

Just kidding ! He never had my support for an instant.