Reparations Revisited

You still have the cake.

But per your request, 'et’s take a look at a typical Clothahump posting. Hey, my first post in this thread will do for an example, since it has followed the typical path of things.

  1. I post something that either a) sails right over the heads of the libs in here (as in this case) or b) annoys the hell out of them because they can’t refute it.

  2. I get responses like yours, which show clearly that what I posted sailed over your head, but that doesn’t stop you from personally attacking me.

  3. The other libs pile on, because page 1 of the liberal handbook says that if you can’t refute them, simply yell louder and don’t forget to attack them personally.

Now…I will request this from you. Go back and read my first response again. Read it several times until it sinks into your head that my post points out the arrogant stupidity of the OP’s statement and mocks it. Then you might ponder how you could have been so wrong, so many times. Then you might try apologizing to me, although I ain’t gonna hold my breath waiting for that to happen.