Reps/Sens: "We Couldn't Decide, But Happy Holidays, America!

I don’t really have to explain, do I, and I really don’t want to get into a political “battle” with y’all, so can I just say this?

Sometimes folks budget ahead trusting that their money will “be there”. Especially this time of year.

What kind of a holiday season is it going to be, knowing at the outset those fuckers couldn’t even agree for 2 months?

Everything stops on 1/1/2012. No extension of unemployment payments and no extension of tax cuts. Not even for a couple of measly months.

“But, hey! We gotta get outta here! No time to make this right, we just gotta get home to our families for the Holidays!”

“Fuck all a’ y’all!”

And, I guess, fuck bi-partisanship. It doesn’t exist.

Not at this time of year, anyway.


Sorry: That should have been Rebublicans and Democrats in the title line.


Still covers all the bases, pretty much. They should experience life with no salary, no benefits, no savings and no safety net. A few of them might learn.

This needs to go to the Pit, but I agree. Stupid jerks couldn’t even get this right. Next election I’m going to remember this and not one of the will get my damn vote.

I’m still not sure why the hell they lowered the SS taxes anyway. Last year at this time I was just getting ready to learn how to live on my pay with child support and such being paid out. Then I started to make more and didn’t understand why. I’d have rather NOT gotten the tax break. I wish they’d stop fucking with the taxes to make themselves feel good. All it does is screw up the normal people’s lives. Pick the tax rate you want us to pay and stop dicking around with it.

I’d settle for each member of THIS Congress getting 20 lashes with a Bullwhip publicly with a salt-splash chaser. Too much carat, not Nearly enough stick.


As time passes, I’m coming to agree more and more with my grandfather’s voting strategy. When you walk into the voting booth, make note of all the incumbents on the ballot and then vote for anyone besides them. It’s certainly looking like this will be my strategy come next November.

Keep in mind, the Republicans used that stratagey last time and put in a bunch of Teabagger Reps who has paralyzed the House Republicans into a less-than-useless mess. A better stratagey is to go into the voting booth as an informed voter.

I’m well aware of this fact. I was merely stating that the bunch we have in now are so useless it’s actually starting to look like an appealing option, just to be rid of them.

Politics. What you may not realize is by lowering the social security tax rate, that decreases the revenue that Social Security is able to take in. That shortfall has to be made up or it will bring forward the time frame when Social Security payouts must be decreased.

But don’t worry. Your elected leaders thought of that. The shortfall is being made up from General Revenues! Since General Revenues come from the annual budget, that just increases the annual budget deficit, being added to the national debt. So your current enjoyment of paying less social security taxes now means you will pay for them later with more debt.

Personally, I would prefer that cut out this crap and allow the law to expire, along with the Bush tax cuts as well.

The answer isn’t even as simple as “fuck bipartisanship” – 90% of the Senate voted yes for the bill. That doesn’t happen any more except to name post offices and bridges.

The problem is the Acolyte of Norquist Tea Party folk in the House and Boehner’s inability to steer his caucus. When taxes go up, it’ll be on their hands.

The temporary extension is to be funded via Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac mortgage fees. A number of ways have been suggested to pay for a longer term extension including federal payroll freezes, a temporary tax increase on the wealthy, discretionary budget cuts, etc. No one was positing a bill that just added it to the deficit and such a bill wouldn’t move out of anywhere in the current climate.