Republican Debate in NH-1/7

Watch here.

Already had a few notable movements. Ron Paul is having a great day right now. He had a smackdown on Gingrich on avoiding military service (I was married with two kids and I went) while Gingrich sounded absolutely pathetic in resonse to him. He also noted the disproportionate punishment of minorities in our justice system and reform of drug laws. :cool:

There’s football on! Why do you hate America?

That’s funny, his newsletters used to focus on the disproportionate number of crimes committed by minorities.

Its not like this rhetoric is going to win GOP votes and certainly not in your mind.

Damn! Sorry I missed that!

Which party’s nom does he think he’s running for?!

Santorum was beginning to make a good point on the necessity of staying in Afghanistan but than it immediatly degenerated into “Obama doesn’t recognize the Islamist threat” crap. :rolleyes:

Rick Perry wants to send back troops to Iraq. Try getting Iraq to do that…

Rick Perry thinks Iran has warp drives:

“We are going to see Iran move back [into Iraq] literally at the speed of light.”

Well, we did send them in the first time without asking…

Did anyone catch the slip of Ron Paul’s tongue, when he said he was the only Democrat to talk about racial injustice?

He sounded kind of desperate and weak. I kept wincing whenever he said “the blacks.”

Finally the ABC people are getting to the economy rather than divisive social issues (at least they could have done abortion)…

Rick Santorum says there is no middle class in America.

They’re sure showing their true colors of bigotry, fear and hate. Keep them wimminfolk and homoseckshuls in their place, dadgummit. The states should decide on gay benefits, but the fed should pass laws that make it nearly impossible for those rights to be acted upon. One man and one woman has been the way it’s done for 3,000 years; just because we as humans have been fucking things up for that long doesn’t mean we should continue to do so. A constitutional amendment to take away rights rather than grant them: nice. The face of the Republican Party has never been as ugly as it is now.

No, he didn’t.

I assume it’s not an accident that Romney and Santorum have the middle podium positions, that Gingrich and Paul flank them, and that Perry and Huntsman are banished to the netherworld of the end positions. I really don’t like the idea of giving the front runners a 1-up on the others.


Gay rights wouldn’t have been even an issue twenty years ago.

We don’t live in the world of 20 years ago, but I think you should have said 30, not 20.

Hmm. The debate is over 20 minutes early. Why did my DVR ask if I wanted to extend the recording 30 minutes?

Never mind

When was the last time either major party had a real convention floor-fight? 1968?

Debate rules place the speakers by position in the latest polls. This has been true for all 1,672 debates this year.

When are we allowed to send questions via online/email to GOP debates??

I suppose for Santorum questions, we send them to and they edit them. :smiley:

Wrong. It was an issue 20 years ago. Fifty years ago, it would not have been an issue. That’s because they would have been beaten or outright murdered for raising the issue, just as blacks were beaten and murdered for raising civil rights issues.