Republican Hoodlums: leave the sailboat out of it!

Yes, during the last few years Republicans sure have shown a reluctance to get involved in your private affairs. :rolleyes:

Nonsense, that’s a zombie against a shark-zombie (a dead, reanimated shark)

It’s proof that zombies can function under water. The bleedin’ shark don’t enter into it.

Zombie Tools, helping you survive the zombie apocalypse!

Have you thought about putting a sign on your boat which says something to the effect of, “The next person who attempts to express their First Amendment rights on my boat, will find me expressing my Second Amendment rights on their head!”? Not that you would do such a thing, of course, but it just might give them a little pause for what passes for thought in their heads. :smiley:

What you fail to grasp is that [del]my ship is trailing mines![/del] the Republican party has not stood for personal freedom in a long time now. Unless you’re rich, of course.

What you fail to grasp is that you are full of shit.

They’re all Democrats, anyway :wink:

I don’t know. I think parents of **shool **kids would tend to be more conservative, and therefore vote for McCain.

That’s about as funny a prank as someone pouring cat urn or doe scent down the vent intake by a windshield.

Fair enough! :smiley:

… ooooh. Ow. Reminds me of the time my dad read some advice on how to save money on winterizing a boat by using vodka instead of antifreeze.

Six years later, we could still smell it. Honestly, I can smell it right now.

Whatcha missing, Sailboat? Maybe I could do a shufty, see if we can find someone who knows someone.

(Wings 33’ cat ketch)

You could put it in the yard, put a flower pot on it and call it a planter. :smiley:

It works for both the boat and the zombies.


That sucks. While I detest the usual stripe of vandalism, Im even less forgiving when politics is involved. The little punks who did that to your boat should be made an example of. As should those who vandalize or steal signs from homes that support a candidate. I hope you find out who did it.

You said that you got “most” of the sticker off. If you want to finish the job, this stuff is great.

You say you aren’t using the boat very much anyway. Perhaps it would make financial sense to sell the boat, and then use that money plus what you won’t have to pay on storage fees to rent when you do actually want to sail.

My brother & sister-in-law did that but with their car when they moved to NYC. She said the savings from insurance/parking/excise taxes and other ownership costs easily covered the cost of a couple of weekend rentals every month.

I have no idea what the various costs for a boat would be, but it might be worth checking out the numbers.

Get one of these* and perhaps you can park @ the condo again.

*no I don’t know why it is sideways.

No, I’m well aware of that.

All right, as long as we are agreed. :smiley:

Sailboat, having been the victim of random vandals, I share your anger and frustration.

But I gotta ask… why are you so certain that the sticker was put there by Young Repubbies? It could have been any random asshole- just because the sticker is political doesn’t necessarily mean that the act of putting it on your boat was politically motivated.

IME, the sort of people who don’t respect property rights hail from 3 broad categories:

  1. Kids. They’ve generally never had to pay for/maintain anything, and therefore have little/no knowledge of the value of something.

  2. Lower Income Types. They, for whatever reason, either won’t have what you’ve got, or don’t believe that they ever will be able to afford what you have, and therefore, you don’t deserve it.

  3. Upper Income Types. They have money to burn, and don’t care that you don’t. They can and will blithely smash their Mercedes/BMW/Lexus/Cadillac/Hummer into you/your property, and then fight you tooth-and-nail to keep from paying for their negligence. The thought that they are somehow accountable to one of us “peasants” is stomach-turning to them.

Sailboat, I’m a conservative, and tend to vote Republican. But if you caught the people who did this to your boat, I’d gladly hold them for you while you sllooowwwwlllllyyyyyy stripped their body hair off with McCain/Palin stickers, and then doused them in rubbing alcohol.