Republican presidential candidate ever win CA, NY, MA in the foreseeable future?

I misunderstood, then, and I drop that point.

As for the possibility of Bloomberg: the very fact that he’s planning on running for Mayor again in 2009 as an independent (here and here) would basically eliminate that as a possibility.

If one is looking anywhere, it should probably be in the ranks of the Governors, but none of the moderate Republicans holding Governorships at the moment strike me as likely candidates.

The reason I picked Bloomberg is that it would take someone with enough raw power to tell the Republicans to pound sand, yet the ability to win the election on his own, to drag the party far enough over to the middle to make the CA/NY/MA vote possible. You’d need a superstar. I can’t think of anyone even close to that status at the moment.
Basically, you’d need someone from CA or NY to do it, as well.

Louisiana’s Bobby Jindal is the one being groomed. His only notable flaw (so far) is an article he wrote in the New Oxford Revew recounting his participation in an exorcism. Thankfully, he is a highly-educated policy wonk (Rhodes Scholar, M. Litt from Oxford) who represents the polar opposite of the anti-intellectual “Sarah Palin” wing of the party.

Jindal was supposed to speak at the Republican Convention, but he stayed in Louisiana to deal with Hurricane Gustav. That would have been his moment analogous to Bill Clinton’s speech at the 1988 Democratic Convention.

Mr. Creationist Jindal? Oh, that’s real polar opposite.

No, really :smiley: :

Personally, I like to focus on the word “strategy” above. I think the Intelligent Design stuff is/was calculated pandering and not a reflection of his personal views. Can’t prove it or cite it, but there you go. FWIW, he hasn’t tried pushing any of this stuff since he’s taken office as governor. I am keeping my eyes open, but I am hopeful.

MF! Jindal was spouting this off in June on Face the Nation:


Unless he can mitigate the stigma of anti-creationism somehow, Jindal is sunk at the national level, IMHO. It’s a shame – he’s doing a lot of good in Louisiana.