Republican presidential debate tonight 01/28/16

That’s what I am curious about. Huckabee will be there after the undercard debate.

As usual, VICE is on top of things: [What to Expect from Tonight’s Trump-Less GOP Debate in Iowa

](What to Expect from Tonight's Trump-Less GOP Debate in Iowa):stuck_out_tongue:

It’s actually a fairly comprehensive article, but that sentence made me Let’s go to the quarry and throw stuff down there.

Every one of the folks on that stage is fighting against Trump more than they are fighting against anyone else, so of course they’re all going to be talking about him. I wonder if Jebra is going to bring his mommy to back him up this time. :slight_smile:

Hmmm . . .

OK, new rule: Sip every time you hear “Trump.” 10 sips per shot.

No, that ain’t really gonna help much, is it?

He is. Got his at least 1% in one of the polls needed. Feel theGilmore momentujm growing!!! :stuck_out_tongue:

Easy. They think of *themselves *as fair and balanced. It’s the other guys who are the wackos.

An elderly Navajo holy man once said to me, a phrase that translates to, “Don’t dump your tadpoles in evil.”

The sales on her latest book must have punted. :eek:

Paul’s getting the loudest cheers by far, so far. Probably means nothing electorally, but it’s interesting.

Lots of talk about ISIS so far and about how weak we supposedly are militarily. Cruz sounds like a cranky idiot, Rubio sounds like a calmer crank. Cruz is now pulling the “you’re so mean I might leave” act, making him seem even more like a loser.

Everybody is getting booed including the moderators.

Republican debate or Trump making himself into a Old Glory burrito. Poison ivy or painful rectal itch? Cholera or dysentery? Anne Coulter or Meagan Kelly? Stab myself in the eye or smash The Boys with a hammer?

What are they getting booed for?

Anything and everything.

No, no – Fox News is fair and balanced – that’s why right-wing types like it so much – because they’re fair and balanced, and they demand truth and fairness in all things. The trouble is that all the other media are liberal mouthpieces controlled by George Soros (with a white cat in his lap) from a vast control room at a secret location deep inside a mountain. Rupert Murdoch hired Roger Ailes to fight this evil when Murdoch learned about Ailes’ magnificent patriotic background as the head of the Ministry of Truth under Nixon, St. Reagan (blessed be His name), and Bush the Elder.

I’m watching now and and it’s all clapping and agreeing.

'Luc, that is a violation of the rule inherited from Great Debates.
John, you do not have to pass him straight lines. .

Knock it off.

[ /Moderating ]

So where on Rushmore is the Trump head going to go?

Does a mountain have an asshole?

vesuvius is not enough…