Republicans today are a danger to the US and the world

Yeah, it’s not the whole Republican party that’s rotten. It’s only the worst 98% who are giving all the rest a bad name.

You understand we live in the real world, right? The Republican party is actually running the country. We can see exactly what it’s about, what it supports, and what it does. Anyone who can see what is going on day after day and still express any degree of support for the party, especially with votes, is directly responsible for what’s going on. So, there’s no “broad brush” here. It’s calling to account people who are actually participating in and enabling and empowering this shameful mess.

Yeah, it’s terrible that these people have taken unemployment to the lowest level in years and pushed the dollar up too.

Thanks Obama!

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Mussolini made the trains run on time?

You’re a light touch. I wouldn’t support white supremacists no matter how much richer they made billionaires.


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I honestly feel for you guys here. My life was really no different under GWB, Obama or Trump. It’s crazy how polarized the US has become in the 12 years I was gone.

I even voted for Obama in 2008 (and Libertarian in 2004, 2012 and 2016).

That the government affects your lives so much says more about you than about the government.

How very privileged of you.

Some of us care about what happens to other people. Not you, though.

No. It’s just making a decision that you are going to be independent, create your own job, not rely on other people and isolate yourself from chaos. Being self-reliant is how this country was built.

Don’t take the bait.

Weren’t you the one just praising the Trump administration for lowering unemployment and raising the dollar? Yup, I was right, see if you scroll up just little tiny bit you can see what you posted.

It is almost like you were saying the government can have an effect on things.

I guess that didn’t last long.

Spoken like a true Republican.

Yes, I think the Trump administration is doing a good job, but it hasn’t affected me personally. My job is still the same one I have had for more than 15 years, working for myself. My income has not gone up or down since Trump was elected. Obviously the government affects a lot of people, but it shouldn’t be that way. I think the government should be vastly smaller and not affect so many people.

Not at all. I ask you read about the history of economic development in the US, especially regarding canals, railroads, slavery, the oil industry, Eli Whitney’s career, the telegraph, transportation networks, computers, flight, housing development, and, oh hell, I could go on… radio, television, electronics, plastics, meat packing, space flight, whaling, electrification, I mean, really, I should just stop.

The idea that America was built by “self-made men” without the use, funding, or purchasing power of the government is purely a myth, a myth with as much basis in fact as the tales of Poseidon.

The reason the Republican party is okay with Trump is that he has enabled a large part of their agenda. Give the wealthy more money, check. Get rid of environmental protections, check. Get rid of regulations, check. Get rid of Obama’s rules to reign in fake universities, check. Put ideological conservatives on the supreme court, check. If you’re a Republican, what’s not to like about Trump? (Trade wars, I suppose.)

Ok. I’ll bite.

The entire financing of the Wright’s experiments, from equipment to travel to their testing site at Kitty Hawk, came from their bicycle company. The cost of building the 3 flying machines, two of which were unpowered gliders and the last one with a diesel engine cost $1,000 over the course of 4 years of experimentation (1899-1903).

This was in stark contrast to the two machines built by Samuel Langley of the Smithsonian which together cost $70,000 at that time. His project was funded by the Federal Government and Alexander Graham Bell and failed miserably.

The Wrights were geniuses. I have a picture of them in my wallet. :smiley:

Isn’t it Trump who wanted to reign in fake universities? Obama wanted to rein them in.

Oh, you’re one of those people. Well, alrighty then.