Repug candidates, what a malignent troupe of FUX!

This thread has so many “fucks” in it that I think I need a cigarette.

Fuckin’ A, man.

But Thompson plays “avuncular, authoritative stupid,” so he’s gonna win. :dubious:

OK, so should I mark Aeschines as ‘undecided’ then?

Of course not. That’s why I said it.
If they want to run their party into the ground, it’s entirely their call. :slight_smile:

Neither do I, but it was glaringly obvious that the OP was not for the Republican candidates, contrary to your post.

Sorry again, guess I was wasn’t being clear. I was commenting on his being in favor of the current Republican slate in the sense that it is one that may be unelectable, then bitching about how unelectable they are.

Hey, what can I say, I’m tired.

I have to say that normally I’m befuddled by which of the lesser of two evils I want to vote for. However, watching the Republicans this time I’m just left scratching my head and saying “So, this is it?”

Now, I do understand Mr Moto’s point in that the experience level of some of these guys is easily on par with Clinton or Obama. But it’s not “experience” that I’m looking at here, it’s something more like gravitas. These guys should have gravitas-- men like McCain and Giuliani. I just haven’t seen it.

They need to shake off this disaster of a policy called “Iraq”. Fess up and admit that it was one of the the worst foreign policy decisions (if not the worst) in the last 50 years. I’m not worried about gay marriage and we all know that *Roe *isn’t going to be overturned. Just get us the fuck out of Iraq.

Bartender! Give me a glass of whatever he’s drinking!

Actually, it usually is served on little tabs of blotter paper.

Oh, great. We can have Jenna versus Chelsea after this generation, and then their spawn after that.

I didn’t think there was one in 2000 or 2004. The rest of America disagreed. Now that the Dems have a name frontrunner (who, like Bush before her, is trading in on the name recognigtion more than on her own ability), they stand a good chance. And while I’m no big fan of Hillary, and don’t know much about Barrack (and none of the others have even a snowball’s chance in hell of getting the nomination), they beat our their Republican counterparts. This NYer would never, ever again waste a vote on Guiliani; Thompson is way too conservative for me; McCain might be worth exploring if he gets the nomination, but I doubt he will; and I know too little about Romney.

Lib, can we get that match on PPV?

One Kool-Aid coming up!

Sure, but after riding the “Vote for me! I got tortured!” wave into a Senate seat, he voted to confirm Alberto “It ain’t torture unless the President says it’s torture” Gonzales.

So, I consider it a wash.


You miss my point.

I am one of the most partisan members here, but my criticisms of Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama or any other Democrat (or indeed, any Republican I criticize) generally concerns their political positions or their conduct in office. I have made a real effort in recent years not to criticize the personal character, intelligence, or sanity of politicians except on those rare instances where those matters become political questions themselves.

Now, I don’t think others ought to observe this rule necessarily. Indeed, comedy and satire would be poorer if it were strictly observed. Yet I find it funny that so frequently people who oppose my ideas choose to attack or politicians I favor and refrain from taking on these arguments head on.

This board doesn’t do this much, actually - here the arguments on policy are valued. However, this particular thread isn’t a shining example of that. Even in the Pit, I’d expect better, truth be told.

In no sane universe is a Republican a malignant fuck. At worst, he is a person you have a political disagreement with. And even if that disagreement is a profound and deep one, that’s really all it is.

If politics consumes you so much that you hate your political enemies to this degree, your life is quite sad indeed.

Of course, the more likely explanation is that this hatred is only keyboard deep, and the OP is blowing off steam in this rather harmless way. Perfectly fair, and I use this place myself as a debating society I can’t find IRL.

But would you say the same things at a podium in front of a bunch of people - an audience you didn’t know? Betcha you wouldn’t, Aeschines. I think you’d make your criticisms in very different language.

Just jokin’ with ya, Mr. Moto. But seriously, I think most impartial observers would state that the Republican voter is more likely to be unhappy with the choices than the Democratic voter. There are a lot of Pubs that can’t stand McCain, a lot that don’t like Guiliani’s abortion stance, etc. That’s why a guy like Thompson can sneak in so late and do so well. Contrast that with the Dems, a lot of us have no problem with an Obama nomination, or a Hillary, or Biden, or Dodd, or Edwards. It seems to me in 2008, the Republicans are as yet unwilling to unite under any of their front runners.

Sure, the Republican candidates suck but the Dems don’t have much better. Where the OP sees Fascists on the right, I see Socialists on the left.

The OP thinks the Pubes will drive Hummers to the airport where they will fly in private jets to Gitmo. There they will torture anyone that looks at them funny, all the while making racist and sexist jokes, discussing the billions they are making by raping the environment and plotting the mandatory execution of homosexuals. I think the Dims will empty my savings account and give it to illegal aliens, drug dealers, late term abortion doctors, “oppressed” minorities and to the preservation of the rare five-ass monkey. (OK, that is a slight exaggeration. I don’t believe in a five-ass monkey).

Bad mouthing Bush only works if he was running for another term. You don’t like the war in Iraq? Give us your timetable for ending our presence and, if you are in a position currently to do something about it, put your money where your mouth is and deny the funds and demand troop caps (I’m talking to Clinton and Obama here).

I have been moderate on social issues and conservative on defense and economic matters. None of the candidates really fit the bill so I’m in a quandary again about choosing the lesser of the evils. I want a good middle of the road candidate, not Rambo and not Mr. Rogers. Not Scrooge and not Mother Theresa. Not Hitler and not Lenin. It ain’t gonna happen.

You’ve got to remember that, on the evidence of his postings on Iraq, Moto is posting from some alternate universe. Maybe ithere the candidates are all that he says.

On the happy day DT is elected President you be sure to get back to us with this razor-sharp insight.

Thanks; you’re quite right about that, and I’ll try not to make that mistake in the future. You’re a gentleman.