Repugs, Berniebots, Clintonistas, knock it off.

Leave it to a MOBerator to come up with a lame-o response like that. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ll note that broadsides against political groups are typically shown more tolerance than direct attacks against posters.

Also Repugs sounds worse than Berniebots and Clintonistas.

While I agree that using the term Repuglican makes one look unimaginative, I’d be reluctant to give up the term glibertarian. Also Gouliani, mainly because I have difficulty spelling the name of the former Mayor and DA of New York City.

I think the OP is just addressing terms aimed at political factions (which presumably are going to end up including some actual posters) rather then those aimed at actual, specific politicians. So you can keep Gouliani.

Personally I wish people would limit the name calling of politicians as well, mainly because its funny, at most, once, and then just kinda grating. But I doubt it’s going to stop (and I feel you on Rudy’s name being beyond the power of spell check)

If it’s intended to convey the concept that I think it’s intended to convey, shouldn’t it be Ghouliani?

What about Trumpelstiltskin? :smiley:

This is politics. If you can’t stand the smell stay out of the kitchen.

What are you cooking, tRump Roast?

Wait, it smelled like pot roast. Must have been Bernie.

Di you stick a fork in Hillary yet? I’m not sure if she’s done or not.

Once upon a time, the Sandinistas would have been the bogeyman of this example.

But the “-ista” suffix does not denote leftism, or even necessarily politics. It just means a follower or adherent. The most common usage in American media today might be “fashionista.”

You mean I coined “Forrest Trump” just yesterday and now I can’t use it?

But Retardicans is okay, right?

Why should we be so concerned with what’s going on on Reddit?

If it is then I’m assuming so is Shrillary and Dipshitocrats.

If this type of thing bothers you so much that it’s causing your blood to boil, you could always call a waaaambulance.

Yep, that’s me, blood boiling.

Oh, I’m sorry. BWAHAHAHAHAHA! You sure tell a good joke. Have you considered going pro?

Anyway, message received. Mods, for whatever reasons, don’t want to handle this. Got it.

I’d rather retain my Olympics eligibility. Thinking the long game.

By all means–and the same year you take a medal in comedy I’ll win the gold in women’s figure-skating. Keep that dream alive!

They send the LOLocopter now. Much more efficient, and way faster.

In general ideological broadsides are tolerated more in GD and Elections. Not so much for direct attacks on posters.

There are lines though. Repeated use of Dumbocrats and Rethuglicans would probably receive mod attention, or so I guess. On occasion the mods will organize an intervention, if only to save our valued members from destroying their own arguments with tasteless and puerile indiscretions.

We all have to look out for each other.

Yeah, people like you would say something like that. Sheesh! :slight_smile:

Yeah that all fine and dandy but Refuglycants is an official word accepted into the dictionary published by the Real Academia de Klingons, so it’s cool to use it.