Rescue Funds for Babar and Andrea

CKDext has declined wanting his address posted around, and I’m not so sure Andrea and Babar do either… so I would like to make a proposition…

If Babar and Andrea want to give ME their addresses (one person is maybe better than the masses/public/freaks?) I could put up my public PO box as a middleman… and at the Post Office, anything coming in addressed to “Babar Fund” I would forward to his address, anything to “Andrea Fund” to hers… It would probably cause a 2-3 day delay in delivery, but not much more than that since I can PROBABLY put in “change of address” cards for “Babar Fund” and “Andrea Fund” at my PO box and have them do it automatically, and if not, I could just write the FWD and hand it right back to them at the PO without having to truck anything home. Same would apply to any hand-me-down stuff that was sent…

Just a thought, throwing it out there. I would also be happy to make an announcement on the TMHP about the whole thing. Just let me know.

O p a l C a t

I don’t read the entire board so I must have missed something.

What happened to Andrea and Barbar?

Please tell your pants it’s not polite to point.

I suppose I should have posted this:

O p a l C a t

You’ve all been so great with this thing. I really don’t need much, but if anyone insists on sending donations, I would be an idiot to refuse. And kinda a jerk as well. People over hear have just been giving us envelopes of cash like it’s a Mafia wedding or something. As I said, we are insured and are doing fine, physically anyway. We just moved into the temporary place, where we’ll be for about 6-8 months while we rebuild.

You guys almost made me cry with your loving and compassion and all. Opal, Jill, and all the others who have taken Andrea’s and my story to heart, I love you. I really don’t know what to say. I am so touched.

I’ve never been one to turn down cash (or any gifts), and I have recently learned a great deal about how much it means to others to help where possible, so I am going to send Opal my address. I am not asking for hand outs, and I tell yout this: I don’t NEED anything. But if it will help anyone, please feel free to help out. Again, thank you sooooooo much, everybody. I am truly touched.

How do you want to handle that PO box address? By private email…or right out here where everyone can see it?

Well I wanted to throw it out there first, rather than presume, but now Babar has sent me his address, so anyone wanting to send donations/stuff/whatever can address it to:

c/o OpalCat
PO Box 3874
Reston VA 20195

I haven’t heard from Andrea yet.

O p a l C a t

I’ll repeat, I’m not willing to post my address, but there have been a few pledges, and I will be happy to collect money from people on a one-on-one basis… which I will distribute to Andrea and Babar.

Just e-mail me with pledge amount.