Researching Assistance PLEASE!

I work for a State Agency, answering environmental questions. But I have one that I just can’t find the answer to!

There is a pond here in Alabama that has been visited by scientists and researchers for over 40 years. University of Alabama, Syracuse University, National Taiwan University… Lots of them. When a neighbor lady asked the latest group why they came here, she was told that there was something special that could only be found here. Well now she’s calling me and wanting to know what’s so special.

It’s Indigo Pond in Gordon, Alabama (Houston County). I can’t find anything off hand, but I have a call into the University of Alabama.

The last researcher was Dr. Chin Lee Ping (or something like that, she didn’t get him to spell his name) of National Taiwan University, just a couple of months ago.

Any assistance is greatly appreciated!

How do you know this?