Residential gas pressure

A neighbor’s propane tank exploded. It destroyed the house, although a bed was blown into the yard, still containing the unijured woman who had been sleeping in it.

I don’t know the details of your neighbor’s incident but I’d wager that there would have been a similar level of damage if instead of propane, the tank had been a simple compressed air pressure vessel of similar capacity. It’s the stored energy of compressed gas that destroyed the house. The fact that it was flammable propane is nearly meaningless.

I once worked with a guy who was going to visit relatives in Florida. Gasoline was more expensive there, so he took one of the 55 gallon plastic drums that chemicals were shipped to our plant in ($64 each‽ They were free for the taking when empty at work!) and filled it with gas and carried it to Florida with him in the back of his pickup truck.

That is interesting. I did not realize the pressure in the tank.

No, a Fuel-Maker, the larger (stock photo), more expensive and harder to install, but quicker fill time model, that was the only thing available. The Phill came later and I saw no reason to switch.