Resolved: The umpire has no right to be on the field in MLB!

Not sure if this should be in GD or MPSIMS, but I’ll take a gamble on MPSIMS.

It’s actually very clear. If you go to the the official rules of baseball, you can look up Rule 9.01 which states:

This rule is fairly straightforward. The umpires are on the field under the authority of the league president.

The office of league president, however, no longer exists. It has not existed for over a year. Therefore, there can no longer be umpires on the field in Major League Baseball!

Zev Steinhardt

Yeah but before the office of the league president dissappeared did they say banish all umps off the field? Seems as if they are the only ones that can change it. The league president didn’t say he wanted them off the field before he left so the way I take it is that they’ll have to amend the rules if they ever decide that they don’t want umpires.

Okay. Bud, in his infinite wisdom, decided to eliminate the AL umps and the NL umps; now they’re all ML umps.

Fine. Do they still differentiate where the home plate ump wears his chest protector? The old NL umps wore it outside their uniform, the AL ones wore it inside. It made a big difference as to how they saw the strike zone, as the NL umps had more mobility in being able to crouch lower than their cousins the balloons in the AL (imagine if Eric Gregg was an AL ump…).

So, where’s the MPSIMS here? :slight_smile:

Hey, Euty, Coldy, and UncleBeer, there’s a cleanup on aisle 3!

Actually, Mighty Tiki God, it says that the league president appoints the umpires to officiate at each game. Normally, the LP does this through the umpiring schedule. However, I doubt that last LPs issued schedules for 2001. Hence, the LP did not appoint umps for the games currently in progress. Let’s get them off the field!

Zev Steinhardt