RESOLVED: Using the term "democrat party" should be a bannable offense

And this isn’t even trolling.

Explanations that further buttress that there’s nothing to see here.

I think it is the childish “I’m not touching you! I’m not touching you!” attitude of those that pull this crap in the middle of adult discussions. If you want to insult someone in an obvious manner, it is only throwing salt on the wound to pretend that you don’t understand what the problem is. If you want to go the “democrat party” route, don’t pretend that you have no idea whatsoever what the problem is and bat your eyes, because it is a little late in the game to pull that shit.

Except I’m in no way being insulted when they call the party I registered for a name. Or the city/state/country I live in, company I work for, etc. If they call me a DemonRat or something, maybe.

Good for you.

I sort of understand why some people say that “Democrat Party” is trivial, low-level trolling that is best ignored. I don’t agree with that, but I understand it. At least the people saying that acknowledge that the phrase is intended to be irritating.

But putting your hands over your eyes and saying, “What trolling? I don’t see any trolling!” is taking things too far. It’s tantamount to playing along with the troll’s “it was just an innocent slip of the tongue” charade.

I’m with @Ruken on this. I just don’t GET it. And no amount of links or explanations seem to be able to make me shift.

Essentially, because it is SO trivial, all of this “outrage” is really just feeding the trolls, and for what gain?

Calmly stated objections are not “outrage.”

Yes, calling for “democrat party” to be a bannable offense is fairly calm and unassuming.

Some folks are calm, some are way up in arms about it, and some of us… just don’t care.

Typical democrats, three groups and five opinions :rofl:

RESOLVED: Using the term “democrat party” should be a bannable offense

Absolutely. Banned at once.

But…wait…you used the term…oh dear… and I guess so did I…uh-oh.

I don’t think anybody here is “up in arms” about it. Only the OP proposed banning people for using the phrase, and he acknowledged that this was hyperbole and withdrew it.

I’m simply suggesting that “Democrat Party” should be moderated like any other insult. If it’s being used to troll, then it should be moderated accordingly. There’s nothing radical or weird about this idea; it’s entirely consistent with the “don’t be a jerk” rule.

At least you didn’t say “Jehovah”.

Could we have a thread on that? So that I could jump in at the end and say that I don’t get it?

to all of you:

I am a Democrat. I’m a member of the Democratic Party. (Actually, I’m not, but I mostly align politically with the Democrats.) And I am offended by people referring to the “Democrat Party”.

I’m also a Jew. And I’m happy to tell you that I am a Jew. But if you refer to me as a Jew poster, I’m going to be pissed, and might even report you for harassing me, especially if you keep it up after I ask you to stop. Feel free to call me a Jewish poster, at least if it’s relevant.

There are a lot of “noun for person to diminish that kind of person” constructions in English. A “lady doctor” is belittling (for a female physician – I don’t think it’ offensive when describing a gynecologist). If you said “a Dane author” instead of “a Danish author” people would infer that you meant to be insulting. There’s plausible deniability because in a lot of cases the noun and the adjective are actually the same, but when they aren’t, you should use the adjective if your intention is to be polite.

(I am not arguing to ban every person who uses demeaning verbal constructions, just pointing out that “Democrat party” is grammatically insulting.)

Yes. But I will add, I think this has been an interesting thread (if I do say so myself).

Do you also feel the same way about posters who say things like “Republicant” or Repugs, or similar.

Yes. ( I don’t recall doing that,and I hope that I have not. But I have probably done things I’m not proud of here over the years)

That’s trolling, too, and really shouldn’t be done out of the BBQ Pit in my opinion. The difference, which has been brought up so many times I find it difficult to believe one has missed it, is the adding of the affectation that no malice whatsoever is meant by saying “democrat party”-that it isn’t meant to be insulting at all.

I think I called it the Democrat Party once here because I read on one of those little known fact sites that that is the real name of the party. It made sense as republicans form the Republican Party the democrats for the Democrat Party.

That’ll teach me to believe everything I read on the web.

You can’t really ban someone for trolling if they’re not consciously doing it. People who say “Democrat Party” have no self-awareness or reflective capacity, they have no idea what they’re doing or what it means. You cannot try them as adults.

However I would fully support banning anybody who misspells a president’s name like it’s some kind of epic fucking own. Global search-and-ban on the terms like “tRump”, “Drumpf”, “0bama” , or “Obummer”.