Restaurant food fads that should be retired

:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: Tante Zoe had better hope the Cajun ladies who worked for my wife never get to Dublin. They’re nice people, but there are limits.

Who knew that Evangeline was black. :rolleyes:

Oh my god I’m not the only one!!!

Yes, and that tower of onion rings impaled on a spike is nifty and impressive, but it also gets cold INSTANTLY. I like my onion rings to huddle together for warmth.

Moderator interjects: c’mon, devilsknew, you know better than that. Saying “no shit” is fine, but calling another poster names or insulting another poster is NOT permitted in this forum.

For those who are confused or new: please see Rules for Posting at the Straight dope Message Boards and note especially Post #10 in that thread; or see Forum Rules and note Post #3.

I do. And it should probably be a pit thread, but I hate it when employees use their own industry’s vernacular when talking to customers. Every industry has it own abbreviations and slang words, but please don’t assume that I understand it.

The first time I was asked for my “social” I was absolutely flummoxed.

I apologize, Bouv. Sorry, Dex.

I was just peeved. No excuse, however.

Preach it brother.
If I can find one restaurant in 20 that does ribs half as good as the ones I make at home, I would be surprised.
I love ribs, I love to cook ribs. Low slow and lovingly rubbed with a secret rub to make them wonderful.
I love ribs so much that I will even order them in a restaurant in the vain hope that the guy cooking at this place just might have a clue, and just maybe can cook a rack of ribs correctly.
I get disappointed with great regularity. However once in a while, I find a gem, a little place that can cook ribs.
I found one Saturday in Toronto, Canada of all places.
If you are not willing to spend at least 4 hours cooking your ribs, don’t bother. If you intend to boil them, please sell your restaurant and go into some line of work where you will do less damage when you fuck up. Air traffic controller maybe.

Tilapia today is what salmon was a few years ago.

It’s not that special to me, but almost every restaurant serves tilapia.
Never even heard of it until it was the new rage.

It’s not that good.

“Special sauce” or “zesty sauce” or “zingy sauce” when what you really mean is “we added stuff to the mayonnaise.” Mayonnaise should be optional on a sandwich. I should be able to order a sandwich without that flavorless white mung oozing all over my bread, meat, and occasionally vegetables. The texture is horrid, it’s mostly fat, and if you leave it in the kitchen I have a better sandwich. But no! Now we have chipotle mayo, wasabi mayo, zingy mayo, zesty mayo, spicy mayo, tangy mayo, citrus mayo, horkin’ maggot mayo…

When the sandwich artisan decides that he is going to put spices and flavorings in the mayonnaise, suddenly I get this awkward guilty feeling that I’m ruining his creation. I can’t enjoy the sandwich the way the chef meant it to be experienced, because the chef is an inconsiderate ass who decided that the best way to add flavor is suspending it in oily, fatty goo and smearing it on my bread.

If you want the tuna steak to taste mildly of wasabi, take a small amount of wasabi and put it on the steak before placing the tuna steak on the sun-dried-tomato-and-herb ciabatta panini bread. If you think the boneless wings would be delicious with bacon and chipotle flavorings, you could sprinkle the nuggets – or the bacon – or both! – with chipotle seasoning while they cook.

Oh, that was an insult? I just thought he was browsing my porn collection. :smiley:

I know what you mean. You can’t get away from it these days. I knew the day I ordered a Big Mac and they asked “would you like Baby McStarfish with that?” it had gone too far.

Remove the garlic from my mashed potatoes!!! I have nothing against Italian-Irish marriages. I have EVERYTHING against Italian-Irish food.

Seriously, I have learned the hard way to ask this question: “When it says here on the menu “Mashed potatoes”–will the kitchen be adding garlic (toasted chunks, charred bits, or slices) to those?”
Waitperson (proudly): “Why, yes!”
Self: “Uh-huh. I’ll have the sweet potatoes in that case.”

Waitperson: “One order of cilantro-sweet potatoes, coming up!”

I always want the kid size portion and frequently can’t get it especially at breakfast. We went out the other day and the kid meal was 1 egg, 1 sausage 1 pancake and a glass of milk, just what I wanted. I asked for that and the waitress most meanly told me I couldn’t have it. So I ordered one egg off the ale carte menu and a glass of milk and mrsin ordered the huge honking feed the universe breakfast (2 eggs, 4 sausages, 2 pancakes) so I could have my 1 pancake and 1 sausage off his plate. The waitress told me I couldn’t order one egg…I had to order the two egg blah blah meal. I pointed out the one egg ale carte item and she huffed off. Between the two of us we still couldn’t eat all the food and it cost less than if I had ordered the kid breakfast. Stupid restuarants.

Banana Nut everyFUCKINthing.
I love banana bread and muffins and creme pie but I go into anaphylaxis when I eat nuts.
My life sucks

They need to retire the concept of serving dessert on top of an artistically-deposited puddle of chocolate sauces and pureed berries. Just put it in a bowl.

Either that, or bring me a privacy screen along with my dessert. I’ll lick the plate.

You know what fad we really need? More peppermint in the chocolate desserts. I’m serious.

Good one! I’ve stopped trying ribs at different restaurants unless they recommended by at least 2 people. I’m sick of having to scrape the meat off the bone. It should FALL OFF.

Another one! I feel exactly the same way. Not that I frequent the place, but the Outback has the nastiest “roasted” garlic mashed potatoes I’ve ever had.

The one thing about this fad that irks me to no end is that restaurants, most of the time, outright refuse to get you mashed potatoes without garlic. WTF?

Sounds like the “mashed” potatoes come out of a freezer with the garlic inside/on them.