Restaurant Theft: Ignore it or Report it?

There is absolutely no way in hell i’m going to snitch on someone who can pick up an entire restaurant and walk off with it… :eek:

Seems like the OP copped a lot of crap for a simple question. Whether or not the OP is in service trade need no matter. Manners are manners.

I’d report it because the retarded “manager” was extraordinarily rude, and, if actually stealing, was stupid enough to provoke you into action.

One thing, though - I’ve worked retail all my life, and, at all of my jobs, I’ve never been able to print a receipt until payment is made. It’s just not something that the register is capable of doing until payment is made.


This is true. Now, if you have something credible to tell the police concerning the employee stealing, they may talk with the store management and open an investigation. But proving employee theft usually takes a bit of time and they definitely wouldn’t make any arrests of employees on the spot.

It’s usually difficult to prove employee theft even when you have tight inventory controls. When I worked in a supermarket in High School the managers ran a tight ship, and knew when inventory left the store without being paid for–the problem is there are two explanations for that. It could have been a shop lifter, or it could have been any of the 20+ people who worked there at the time. Can’t exactly fire anyone over that or call the police. So basically they just had to be good at catching employees in the act, and keeping a good eye out for shoplifters.

Well, now I have to tell my story, just for the heck of it.

Tonight, I had to do some shopping. I go to store #1. Pleasant employees and customers. Maybe it’s because it’s supposed to snow tonight and we’re all more concerned with freezing to death than being snippy with each other.

I go to store #2. Friendly help.

On my way to store #3, I decide I’m really hungry and stop off at Carl’s Jr. I don’t like their commercials, but they’ve got great burgers. I go inside and order a guacamole bacon burger. “Combo?” “No thank you, just the burger, maybe a glass of water.” I’m my friendly self, despite my grumpiness on the board sometimes. I get my water and go sit down, then decide “screw it, I’m getting fries too.” I get up to go order fries and the kid who took my order is already on his way with my burger. I say “ooh, I’m feeling greedy; I’m going to get some fries.” The kid waves me back to my seat and says “I’ll get it!” I’m confused. I have to order it and pay for it. Nope, he says “I’ll get it!” and goes back to his coworkers, says something, and comes running back out with a large order of fresh, crispy hot fries. No cost. For $3.99 I got what would have been $6 or more.

Go figure. Sometimes being nice to the help gets generosity in return. It’s an old adage, but being nice doesn’t cost a cent, but sometimes pays off.