Resume Review Request

After years of unprecedented personal growth, ArchMichael Inc will be relocating it’s headquarters to the Houston, TX area. As a result, we are looking for qualified resume reviewers. The ideal candidate MUST have the following:

[ul]Human resource and hiring experience. May substitute with 25+ years of life experience.[/ul]
[ul]The ability to be highly critical yet constructive.[/ul]
[ul]A track record of good posts[/ul]
This is a Work from Home position.

All kidding aside.

I just need to have some neutral eyes take a look at my resume, much like a hiring manager would.

I have been sending out my resume for about three weeks now, and nary a nibble. Now this could be the fact that I am in Mississippi, and that companies in Houston don’t need to even glance at out of state candidates. It could be they think I am looking for a relocation package, which I am not. Or maybe my resume just sucks.

I have had people I know look at my resume, and they think it’s fine. However they all know me, so I can’t trust them to be completely impartial.

Any help would be appreciated.

Hey, I’d be happy to give it a look, if’n you’d like. I’m 28, a technical writer with, oh, six-sevenish years of experience. Be glad to help.

Addy’s in the profile.

Have you sent a decent cover letter with any of the resume’s, explaining that you are going to be relocating to that area soon and would like to find employment? That might stop the assumption that you’re looking for relo funds.

Anyway, if it can wait for the weekend, I’d be happy to take a gander, as well. I’m a 27 year old guy, working in Newspaper advertising (placement, no creative), about five years experience. I’ve also got a format that I’m using now that seems to get a lot of bites if you’re looking for a change. Based on three sent resumes from a week ago Sunday, I have one interview tonight and got a call for an interview from another yesterday.


interface2x: Sent

Good advice. I dont know how big a role this concern is playing, but you are right. I should be very explicit.

Hey, I’m asking you for the favor. Take as much time as you want. :smiley: