Really enjoying the most disappointing concert thread, and being reminded of a few meh live experiences I’ve had got me thinking in the other direction. I did a search and AFAICT the last time there was a “best concerts” thread was seventeen years or so ago (can that be right?) so I figured…
I used to go to a ton of concerts but between tinnitus, price creep, and musical tastes that don’t match who’s usually on tour, that slowed to a crawl even before the pandemic, but if I had to come up with some of the best experiences, they’d include:
A Bowie Celebration (Toronto 2019). I know I cited Bowie himself in the disappointing shows thread, so it’s odd that this one makes my tops shows roundup, but whatever. Mike Garson and Earl Slick joined by folks like Bernard Fowler, Sass Jordan, Corey Glover on vocals Emm Gryner on vocals, Charlie Sexton on guitars and vocals and, it goes without saying, a guest appearance by Chris Hadfield on “Space Oddity.” It was absolutely unreal, two plus hours of brilliant-sounding classics
The Streets/Lady Sovereign (Toronto 2006). Glorious sweaty bacchanalia capped by Skinner’s backup rappers were pouring booze over the people right up front. It was also just a great night of music.
Pere Ubu (Montreal 1991). I’ve seen them five times over the decades, but the Worlds in Collision tour was the only one with one of the Fontana-era lineups. Being able to hear “Waiting for Mary” as well as an acoustic version of “Final Solution” was a dream come true.
Big Audio Dynamite (Los Angeles 1995). My second concert after moving to El Lay, and my second at the Viper Room (the first was,hilariously, Donovan). Just a monumental dance groove, and I’m amazed I was that close to rock royalty in Mick Jones.
I’m sure I’ll think of more, but what were some of your best gigs?