Reuters revises pop culture history to be more politically correct. (Star Trek)


Yes, because it’s obviously females that have the Y chromosome.


What bugs me the most about the “no one” phrasing, here or in NextGen, is that it’s just plain blatantly wrong. It’s just as bad as those old history books that would say “So-and-so was the first person to reach X island, where he encountered naked native women”, or whatever. No, if he met natives there, then he obviously wasn’t the first person to reach the island. Likewise, when you’re meeting a new species of alien every week, you’re hardly going where no one has gone before.

It annoys me for the same reason. It’s like trying to get rid of one bit of political incorrectness by stupidly replacing it with another. Just leave it alone, already.

But whaddya expect, NextGen had guys wearing skirts.

Personally I would let that slide, on the grounds that it’s really short for “The first vulcan character to be portrayed by an African-American actor.” Sloppy writing, yes, but do we really need to set the bar THAT high for TV Guide? :slight_smile:

A bizarre change that ends up looking stupid. I’d have just left it as “man.” They already made it clear the show is set in the 1960s, so if the language is out of date, it’s the fault of the show’s and not Reuters.

Can I make my own edit? They should have put the “final frontier” part at the beginning of the sentence [“Set in ‘the final frontier’ of space…”] There’s no need to put the whole monologue in a blender.

Exactly! I came in here to post something like this, but I think you’ve said it better than I could have.

Are you saying that Columbus didn’t discover America??? :eek:

The whole idea of changing “no man” to “no (one)” is just stupid. Are we going to “correct” Neil Armstrong next?

Maybe it’s a perfectly innocent case of that the Reuter’s writer grew up mainly with the ST:TNG version, which was when the prolog changed to “no one”. So the beef would be with Gene, and 20 years too late.

Still, once in a while I would feel like shouting out “MAN!!” over the TV sound. Anyway…

Is that first line the Vulcan translation of “Get a Life”?

Then it would say “no one,” not “no (one).” The parentheses show that the wording was changed by the reporter or editor.

Not to be nitpicky, but if you’re encountering alien species, you’re technically still going Where No Man Has Gone Before… coz, y’know, the whole concept of alieness revolves around the idea that they’re distinctly not human.

Now if they’d made the catchphrase “where no sentient being has gone before” or “where no humanoid lifeform has gone before”, then there would have been reason to complain about the Earthist bent of that statement.

Read his post again.

Hey, my high school did it that way, too, probably fifteen years before that. I think it was likely they didn’t have enough boys.

This may or may not be the case. Political Correctness can impair logical thought.

In 2005, more black actors were nominated for Oscars than ever before. Some PC reporter asked one of the nominees, Sophie Okenedo, how it felt to be among a record number of African-American nominees.

Her reply: “How would I know? I’m British.”

Twelve Angry Thespians?

That video was so hot. The sequel, “Thespian Spank Inferno” was even better.


To boldly go where no biped humanoid withough ridges or bumps on the forehead or a ridge on the nose or bumps on the neck or pointy ears or brown splotches on their skin has gone before.

Reuters editorial comment:

Reuters wasn’t the first to make the phrase more PC- the opening to Star Trek: The Next Generation also changed “no man” to “no one,” as mentioned before.
