Revenge of the Nerds. Most pointless movie to TV translation?

Stand by Me - “LARD! LARD! LARD!” Why bother?

I saw an edited version of The Big Lebowski once… the entire scene with John Goodman destroying the kid’s car was dubbed over. Each “this is what happens when you fuck a man in the ass” was replaced with something different. I think one of the more choice dubs was “this is what happens when you feed a walrus fried eggs” or something to that effect.

It was the most hideous thing I’ve ever seen on television, and I remember when Geraldo spent two hours opening Al Capone’s vault…

My favourite is the edit of The Breakfast Club in which “Eat my shorts!” becomes “Eat my socks!” If you don’t remember the original line, the automatic mental translation is bound to be nasty – especially now that the original is mainly associated with the world’s most popular animated eight-year-old.

Was watching Tommy Boy on TV and they took out my favorite part of the movie: When Chris Farley dances and sings “She’s a Maniac” when getting hosed off. Not a translation but that missing scene pissed me off.