Revenge of the SonoftheWifeofthePlanetofthe Limericks

Oh, Hippie and Trade, you’re astounding!
You’re limerickal talents, confounding!
When one serves an ‘ace’
The other, saving face,
Returns with a volley resounding!!!

The mighty barbarian Grax
was strong, yet his brain was quite lax.
He’d split all his foes
from the head to the toes
but with the wrong end of his axe!

I feel that I’m being slighted.
I admit I came in uninvited.
But Hippie and Trade
Though great rhymes they have made
Aren’t the only whose muse has alighted.

Then again, on the first page I saw
More atrocious rhymes shoved down my craw
Than I could shake a stick at.
It’s nothing to pick at;
But, I’ll tell ya’, there should be a law.

Meanwhile, I’m sitting here steaming.
The temp’s climbed. I’m no longer beaming.
If it weren’t for AC
You’d see my kids and me
Changing state, with our skin all but melted.

Another, I’ll throw up for y’all.
(“Throw up” can mean “vomit,” recall.)
If you want quality
You should take it from me…
You shan’t find it in my prose at all.

And now, just to fill up some space
Five more lines, all in their happy place.
Bad limericks abound
Tossed aloft and around
It’s a good thing this isn’t a race.

“Enough!” you all cry. “This is madness!”
I can’t disagree; and with sadness
I’ll finish this post
And I won’t even boast
That this is the only one I’ve written which contains an entirely too-long ending line with no decent rhyme and no particular point or meter.


Oi! I totally screwed up the third one!
I should now start all over from word one!
I won’t though. Thing is
I’ve shown I’m not a whiz
Of your fingers, just flip me the bird one.

Applauds you all madly… I’m sneeking in to add a favorite of mine. the meter is normal but the ryme is… well, you’ll see :slight_smile:

There was a young fellow named Dirken
Who was fond of jerking his gerkin
Said his wife to Dirken
From jerkin’ yer gerkin
You been shirkin’ your ferkin’ You bastard!