Revenge of the SonoftheWifeofthePlanetofthe Limericks

hippie, you funny.

The direction you’ve taken of late
Can pose quite a lively debate
If yourself you can see
To your sexual needs
You remove VD from your fate

As for work - well it is overrated
Unfullfilling, and leaves you frustrated
'Tis far better to post
And then later, to boast
When your post count is well elevated

tradesilicon, that’s quite a theory
Its wit leaves me breathless and teary
If he posts all the time
Scanning meter and rhyme
Of his poverty, he’ll become weary.

I agree Hama, Hippie needs pay
Let him earn it with keystrokes, I say!
For a poet such as he
Should not do it for free
Let’s start buying his writings today!

You can pay for his writings, you lump

Three cheers to me for hitting TAB instead of ENTER…grrrrr

You can pay for his writings, you lump
I refuse to be that much a chump.
I can rhyme just as well
I’m prolific as well
And my rhythms are pleasantly plump.

I agree that employment’s a pain
You have to agree - it is plain
That both priests and sages
Have filled many pages
And will probably do so again.

I’m not saying Hippie’s a slacker.
Not a welfare case or a bushwhacker
But he can’t write for cash
'Less he has a large stash
Well-provided by some nameless backer.


I must say I’m a little bit wary
Of posting 'mongst folks literary.
I’m out of my league
But filled with intrigue,
So I’ll keep trying-- no matter how scary.

Limericks, be they risque or tame,
Artistically brilliant or lame,
Garbage or treasure,
They’re done for sheer pleasure.
Remember, it’s only a game.

Love to All,

And just so you all will know:
It’s not to work that I dread to go.
The job I don’t mind.
I’m just missing the kind
That’s preceded by the word blow.

Love to All,

So now we good dopers must groan
through this thread until Hippie gets blown
since neither narcotics
nor autoerotics
have sated the needs of his bone

I’m sure my bitching and moaning
Just keeps you Dopers a-groaning
But you keep coming back
(Though the humor is black)
So contribute, IM me, or try phoning.
True, I get no bliss from medication
And, yes, I’m quite bored with masturbation.
But I ain’t asking much–
No hardcore sex and such–
I’d be happy with sweet osculation.


The limerick’s an odd sort of verse.
It can range from a prayer to a curse.
And whether it’s funny
Or horribly punny,
The better the limerick, the worse.

I was listening to Mountain Breakdown (Foggy)
Suddenly got up and danced-- sort of cloggy.
If you’d watched it you’d pity it:
I looked like an idiot.
But I’m happy and a little less groggy.

live, love, laugh,

There once was a timid young mister
Who fancied a romp with his sister
Being to shy to ask
He just grabbed for her ass
Since she didn’t object, then he kissed her

(sorry Hippy, I know you are already on the edge…)
Bill Clinton, to blow jobs addicted
Was caught, and almost evicted
But, said he “No big deal,
'Cause the se was not real!
It was out, and she casually licked it!”

sorry, that second one should be:

Bill Clinton, to blow jobs addicted
Was caught, and almost evicted
But, said he “No big deal,
'Cause the sex was not real!
It was out, and she casually licked it!”

Rememeber the liner gigantic
That sank in the northern Atlantic?
What’s the diff, if you will,
'Tween that ship and Bill?
We know how many went down on the Titantic.

groan all you want…I couldn’t resist,

gotta love it.

OK, equal time…

When President George was elected
His intellect was not respected
He tripped over words
And said things absurd
His survival is still unexpected
There once was a young man named Gore
Who looked good in the tight shirts he wore
He hugged many trees
And fouhgt for liberties
But he always came off as a bore

To trade

Now don’t mess with my buddy named Al.
At least he’s true to his gal…
(I’m no fan of Tipper)
But Al’s cool with Flipper
And is truly a Mother Earth pal.

Love to All,
(yes, even you Republicans)

You are correct, sir. Let’s leave politics out of it, and stick with…

A young almond farmer named Jim
Takes pride in the business he’s in
For each chikadee
He has almonds for free
Plus they all get two nuts on the chin

For you peepers and lurkers and such:
I wish y’all would stay more in touch.
Drop a line now and then
And give me a grin.
Like for instance, janesays, but not much.


The limerick’s a cunning seducer.
How could I ever refuse ‘er?
I can’t , don’t ya see–
And it’s really screwed me
Outa bein’ a tolerable Blueser.

still tryin’

“Less artsy; more fartsy.” --Homer Simpson (at the Chili Festival)

da Dumb da da Dumb da da Dumb
America is being dumbed numb
It’s a New World Order
Come to rob your border
One day all will have to succumb