Reverse Hunger Strike

I have had enough…

I am fed up, pissed off, and generally annoyed at a certain rising element within society and I am taking a stand dammit…

From ads from Subway offering “Healthy choices” for kids’ school lunches, to “The biggest Loser” and endless fad diets, pills and powders being advertised. The whole of society seems to have gone completely health and diet mad.

And now even the State government (Western Australia) has wasted taxpayers dollars on obesity awareness ads.

So I am soon going to start a protest…

I am going on a reverse-hunger strike.

The premise is simple, I am going to eat food that is only “unhealthy” in large quantities. I am only going to exercise by doing my everyday activities (No deliberate exercise for the sake of it).

At the rate of current media exposure, overwieght people are rapidly starting to fall into the same reviled category as “Smokers” or even “Criminals” and frankly I find it disgusting.

(This message was brought to you at 2am whilst eating a sausage roll)

Will this new diet differ in any way from your old diet?

That was my thought.

How do smokers deserve to be reviled any more then fat people do exactly?

I brought this topic up yesterday, slightly. It all has to do with… “Well, I guess were fucked if we continue in this manner, since it’s gotten so bad”

Take a look around and you’ll notice this isn’t only going on with health.

That’ll sure teach them a lesson. Be sure to check in in a few months to let us know what your activism has accomplished.