Revolution in America - could this actually happen?

If there’s a civil war the US currency will collapse under the weight of its debt. What will the rich use to pay the troops?

Why would the troops be out fighting rebels when their own families would be threatened? They’d inevitably be ordered to shoot each other’s families. That won’t fly. They’ll run right home to defend them.

Such a thing will likely not end in victory for one side or another, but rather a prolonged period of anarchy and barbarism. IMO it would be a fitting end for a nation that is so willing to screw over its working class and poor and other vulnerable people.

Lower income people would suffer the most. Their life expectancy would decline dramatically. The rich would move, or retreat to gated communities. They would pay their private security with gold coins if necessary.

Civil war’s highly unlikely IMO>

But your post’s ridiculous, we’ve treated our working class and poor far better than virtually “Communist” nations and most other nations also. Your comments are simply treason and pro-class warfare nonsense.

Class war and treason are two different things, Qin. Eugene Debs, for all his avowed internationalism, was at least as good an American patriot as TR or Woodrow Wilson.

A person or group of people could ATTEMPT this, but they wouldn’t succeed. The US military is more powerful than every other military in the world combined. So I’m fairly certain they could take down any civilians.

Think about what a revolutionary situation means. Sometimes it means the regime can’t rely on its own military (as recently in Egypt). One reason both Russian Revolutions of 1917 succeeded was that the soldiers in the field (inspired by LW propaganda of various flavors, combined with reasons common to every soldier who ever fought under incompetent officers for a dysfunctional government) were rising up and shooting their officers with great frequency. And then, when the Civil War broke out, the Red Army had no problem finding actually enthusiastic recruits. (Neither did the White Army.)

Don’t forget the anarchists in the Russian Revolution.

Here’s a good account.

La Jacquelope expresses joy at the violent overthrow of the American government.

Oooh, gated communities. Gold won’t be worth as much as food. The farmers will be the kingmakers in that scenario.

Treason, eh? Bring it on. Report me to the FBI. Let’s see if I get arrested for treason.

Of all the dumb things that have been said by people arguing against me, that is one that you can do something about right now.

I’m not even going to bother asking you for a retraction because that probably violates some kind of rule on here and even if it didn’t, nobody around here admits when they’re wrong anyway. So I will say this.

Call law enforcement. They can trace IP addresses. Turn me in. Now.

Its not directly treasonous but written with a treasonous spirit.

Fine. Drink that spirit!

Is this “treasonous spirit” just the ghost of some random Confederate or is it somebody famous like Benedict Arnold? Enquiring minds want to know!

Of course the problem for those who think the US Military could easily crush any rebellion, is how can the ruling class trust the military to obey orders?

This is what happened in the Civil War, where southern military personnel defected en masse to the Confederacy. So it wasn’t a case where the Union army could march in and put down the unarmed rebels, because more than half the (former) Union army had joined the rebels.

Pepsi spew

Ohhhh, I’ve gone from making “simply treasonous” to merely having a treasonous spirit. Gotcha.

PS: class warfare? The rich are constantly preying on the working class. Working class wealth is being distributed toward the top. Few deny this anymore. Income inequality is higher in America than anywhere else; and is at its highest since the Depression. Class warfare would be better than what we have now, which is a damned Nosferatu plague.

Good point.

If the workers are well off it matters little whether the rich have a billion dollars or a hundred billion. And no, we have less income inequality than say in Kenya or Brazil.

It’s the ghost of the Black Panthers!

Revolution is co-ome!
Off the Pigs!
Time to take up the gu-un!
Off the Pigs! :slight_smile:

Well, there has to be at least three. The Ghost of Treason Past, the Ghost of Treason Present, and the Ghost of Treason Yet To Come.

Wrong. We have less income inequality than Brazil, but greater inequality than Kenya. Well, according to the CIA that is…

CIA World Factbook: Gini Index