Rhinos, Viagra, medicine and colds

Cecil says:

“Why do Westerners buy over-the-counter cold remedies, even though most of them don’t do jack? … But Western fever remedies, as distinct from cold remedies, are cheap and effective”

What does he mean here? Fever remedies are effective at reducing fevers–one symptom of infection–but they of course don’t do anything about the underlying cause of the fever. Cold remedies don’t address underlying causes either, but they do actually provide symptomatic relief of cough, congestion, runny nose, etc.

Also, can I say that the Q&A format is lame.

Is Cecil gonna become one of those irritating people who ask themselves a series of their own questions followed by their own answers as if the audience is too stupid to ask themselves?

Cecil uses a variety of techniques to write his column, and Ed does the editing. So far as I’m aware, this is the first time* that Cecil has used this technique, so relax, eh?

  • And if my memory is faulty, it’s the first time in a lonnnng time.

I think I’ve seen the Q&A format before. I just expect more stylistically.

Thanks C.
I’ll take that as a “no” for now and will go back to relaxing.
Lordy, I find it irritating.

So nobody is going to address the actual question?

Decongestants do actually help with congestion.
Antihistimines are fairly effective with helping allergies, but are they as effective at stopping cold symptoms?

There is some evidence that cough suppressants don’t really do much.

What was Cecil talking about in his comment?

He was comparing Chinese traditional medicine to Western medicine, in the process making the assertion I questioned.

Over the counter drugs are a mixed bag.
Pseudoephedrine, normal sudafed that is now somewhat of a hassle to purchase is an effective decongestant.

Phenylephrine, sudafed PE is not effective as a decongestant.

[hijack]I found the tone annoying and PC, very much trying to lecture ignorant Westerners for thei benighted belief that it was Chinese foolishly believing in rhino horn was an aphrodisiac and irresponsibly being willing to hunt various animals to the brink of extinction, with the ultimately-lame "Oh you bigoted Westerner, TCM isn’t killing rhinos for aphrodisiacs [but is killing them for other spurious uses, and is killing other animals for spurious aphrodisiac properties, and anyhow it’s only the rich who are doing it so they’re no worse than rich Westerners]. Standard PC rationalization/editorialization, but in case you want the bottom-line version, yeah, wildlife would be a lot better off if stupid Asian people weren’t relentlessly indulging their superstitions.

And to those who found the comparison to fever and cold relief drugs baffling, it’s baffling because it was such a non sequitur but he had to come up with something to cram in his implied moral equivalency between East and West. Obviously it was going to be a stretch (he should have called out something like zinc lozenges or EmergenC, which are obviously more questionable than Alka Seltzer Cold and Flu, which is effective as all Hell in making me feel better when I have a cold, but was backpedalling too hard to think of it).

I cannot for the life of me find a link, but back when I lived in Thailand, I clearly remember a story that appeared in the local press about a “medical supplement” company that had been prosecuted for fraud. That was the fraud? They were selling traditional potency/aphrodisiac medicines and had decided to make them work better… by inserting the one ingredient scientifically proven to actually work: Viagra.

I also cannot recall whether the formulas actually included real rhino horn or not. That may have been the fraud.

I read the column. What was his point for bringing up OTC meds? Which meds? Why does he say they don’t work? That was the question.

Sure, sorry, I read it as you asking me the about column.