Have many lectures available online. Any other great minds that this board can recommend in the feilds of science and or philosophy?
Check out the MIT Open Courseware Project. Not all of the classes have online lectures, but there’s enough there to keep you busy for a good long while.
A few years ago MIT offered “Honorary” degrees online for free but I missed out. Would you happen to know about any such thing coming around again?
That doesn’t sound right to me - as far as I know, MIT doesn’t award honorary degrees. I doubt they have any kind of credential based on the open courseware system, because there’s there’s no way to ensure that students are really learning the material. I’m not sure what else it might have been.
It was kind of a “novelty” thing as I remember.
Having read your link, I stand corrected. :smack: Thank you for the reply.
Note that the iconoclastic physicist spelled his name Feynman.
OP contains a tpyo, sorry.