Never mind, found it was fake. Delete if you wish.
Yahoo was also fooled by the Andy Kaufman returns “story”. Or was it AP that was fooled this time?
:: cuts power cord from nearby lamp ::
:: strips wires ::
:: plugs in cord ::
:: applies stripped ends to chest ::
:: jolts hearts back into rhythm ::
Don’t DO that!! :eek:
The shrieks I emitted scared the cats. Don’t do that.
What garbage. What would induce someone to start something like this?
Makes me want to vomit.
Where are you finding that, Nightwatch? The link in the OP is giving me a “page cannot be displayed” error.
The link works fine for me…
I’m using Opera, if that matters.
I am not impressed!
How did you find out it was fake?
More importantly, why does Yahoo News still have it if it’s fake?
Yahoo News doesn’t have it - look at the URL. It’s not at Yahoo.
This is the only story the Movies section of Yahoo News’s Entertainment section has for the 7th.
Make note, also of the different URL formula. And the fact that the current date section says it’s still the 7th on that page, where on actual Yahoo pages, it’s the correct date.
Someone went through a lot of trouble to mock up that page, but it’s a hoax page.
Okay, let’s allow this one to sink slowly into the west.
Thank you so much, Flamsterette_X.