Riddle Me This

The question to 42

Well, techically 41.999999999…

Altightalteady quit shovin’ geez I know where the door is.

a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma…

What if there were no rhetorical questions?

…,baked for 30 minutes at 375 degrees and served with a béarnaise sauce.

A brick!

A dubiety.

The aristocrats.

… smothered in secret sauce.

(Thank you for that one, Jimmy James.)

Is this some kind of bust?

You get a joke that you don’t expect anyone to laugh at.

The story behind the OP:
I received a “Fact Or Crap” Page-A-Day desk calendar as a Christmas present(Example-“Fleas that live on cats jump higher than fleas that live on dogs”), and when I got to the page for 3-8-19 I found a Post-It Note with “What do you get when you cross a riddle with a rhetorical question?” stuck to the front of the page. Someone at the factory had stuck it in there before it was shrinkwrapped, boxed and shipped.

You get a riddle that cannot be correctly answered by answering.

I remember my friend handed me one of his college textbooks with the impressive title, “Guide to Rhetorical Criticism”.

I leafed through the first couple of chapters, turned to him, and said, “You REALLY think this crap is worth reading, don’t you?”

The opener for your second Toastmasters speech (?)


A zen koan?