About a year ago now an acquaintance of mine told me a riddle. I thought and thought, but couldn’t come up with anything, and the bastard just wouldn’t give me the answer. I spent the next two weeks thinking near constantly about it, after which I kind of gave up. Every once in a while, though, I’ll find it sitting there on my hard drive, mocking me. I’ve searched all over the Internet for this thing, but haven’t found it anywhere, nor have I found any possible clue to its answer. I therefore entrust it to the capable minds of the Masses, hoping there’s someone out there who knows because I have completely fucking given up. Here goes:
“What is it that not many like, but directs even the greatest of kings’ actions? It is much like a blade, and made to hurt, but it has never killed anyone, even though wounding thousands. It spans the whole world and makes life fit. The greatest kingdoms it has built, and founded the oldest one of them all, but never has it begun a war, and those who believe in it will be fit forever more.
What is it?”
Riddle me this. Pretty please.