Ridiculously absurd impossible things you wish you could do.

I’d like to have three powers:

  1. A control over metal sort of like a minor-league version of Magneto from the X-Men. I would use this power to carefully levitate vehicles whose drivers were doing inappropriate things while they should be driving. Driving down the freeway at 70 mph with a newspaper spread out over your steering wheel? Car lifts up and is gently deposited on the shoulder. Driving unsafely because you’re in a hurry? Shoulder. Maybe upside down. Ignoring traffic because you’re turned around to see what the baby in the back seat is doing? Median. I often fantasize about having this ability while driving in rush-hour traffic. Can’t imagine why. :slight_smile:

  2. The ability to fly.

  3. The ability to change my appearance at will, including my gender. It’d be fun to see how both halves live.

Most of the good ones (IMO) have been mentioned:[ul][li] fly[] telekinesis[] teleport[] incredible memory (ginkgo biloba kinda helps here)[] the ability to go back to certain parts of my life knowing what I know now[] the look []and, of course, time-freeze[/ul][/li]So for my contribution, I’d like to always know the right thing. That is: the right gesture, the right turn of phrase, the correct answer, where to turn to get where I’m going or when to just shut up…the ultimate diplomat. Oh, that and the ability to create bunches of snow on a whim so I can go skiing anytime and anywhere I want.

I want to be able to travel back in time but be able to bring technology from now with me. So I could show up at a chariot race driving a ferarri. Or pick a fight against some huns holding an M-60 and a grenade launcher. Or freak out some cave-people with a halogen lantern.

I would also like the ability to become a proverbial fly on the wall and find out what people say about me when I am not around.

I’d like to be able see to alternate futures. For example, what if my dad took that job in Detroit when I was a kid? What if I returned that phone call? I’d finally have the answers to questions that I’ve wondered about for years.

Teleport - Nothing can hold me, no more running between work, school, home, work, home, school, home

Control people’s thoughts, emotions, and subconciousness - mind your business why I would want to do this

Shapeshift - I would be the perfect spy. Never know what I’d look like, plus the teleportation would allow me easy access. That and turning into animals would be cool.

The whole stopping time thing would be awesome, but I’m afraid I wouldn’t be able to breate. There’s no circulation of air so I would only be able to do it for a couple of minutes at a time.

I wish I could go back in time and register for Latin and German in my freshman year of college. I wish I’d learned
those languages earlier instead of waiting until I entered graduate school.

i just want these powers: shapeshifting, teleportation and the ability to fly.

i do not want very much:D