RIP Fred...

Well, I came home last night, and found out that my little lizard, Fred, did not make it through the day.
I had planned on taking him to the vet this morning, even had an appointment.
He’d been kind of groggy the past couple of days, since Wednesday.
He was a little cutie, kind of looked like a little dinosaur. He was a Chinese Water Dragon, and he was only about a year and a half old. They live to be 10 to 15 years old.
I miss my little buddy. Sorry if I depress anyone with this, I don’t mean to.
Goodbye Fred. You were sweet and cute, and you left us way too soon.


I’m sorry, Skerri. Losing pets is hard… it’s especially upsetting, I think, when a fatal illness comes on so quickly. I had a lizard when I was little (can’t have one now, between the cat and the ferrets I’d just be asking for trouble) and I was just as attached to him as I was to more “cuddly” animals.

Hope you feel better…

Thanks, Rosebud.

I also have two cats, Benvolio and Gomez, and a bunch of goldfish, but they don’t really sit on my shoulder whilst I peruse the SDMB like Fred did. He was my official post buddy.

I just feel really bad, because he must have been really sick. It’s so hard to tell with lizards. When I left for work yesterday, he had eaten some crickets, and was bathing in his little pond, looking a little better than he did on Wednesday.

I got a lot of sympathy from my best friend’s husband. “What are you going to do with the cage?” Sympathetic b@stard.