RIP Gweniever

Thanks to all of your for your prayers, hugs and kind words. Gwen is wrapped in her favorite blankie and curled in a basket, covered with gardenia blossoms and on her way to be buried on the shore of Lake Harding in Alabama. We have a pet cemetary at our cabin there that has been in my husband’s family since the '40s.

After watching her lose strength and appetite over the past few weeks, I am glad she is at peace. I’m just going to miss her. The other cats keep coming in the office looking for her, and I am getting a lot of kitty attention. They always know when I am sad.

Thanks again, everyone.

I know the cat-shaped void that comes into one’s heart when a beloved pet dies. Gwen looks like such a sweet girl. You speak of her so eloquently that I’m a puddle of tears. I’m going to be hugging my cats a bit tighter, and stroking them a bit longer tonight.

What a beautiful girl she was! I’m so sorry, SnakesCatLady.

Guaranteed to make everyone who’s ever lost a pet cry…The Rainbow Bridge.

That’s where she’s waiting for you.

So sorry to read this, SCL.



My deepest condolences to you and yours, SCL. Just remember that she knew she was loved, and that’s what matters most.

i’m so sorry, SCL. i’m right there with you, having had to say goodbye to my very old boy murphy just nine days ago. i’m typing through my tears, too, because today i brought his ashes back home.

pink freud, well said: they do leave a cat-shaped void behind, don’t they?

my murphy, peggy, and cassie are all waiting for me there at the rainbow bridge, just as gwen waits for you.

my little boy turk, will get extra hugs and lovings tonight as well.

you and gwen are in my thoughts.

More hugs for you, sweetie. I’m so sorry.


She was lucky to have such a great mom! She is beautiful.

BTW, I have a cat named Guinneviere, (aka “Viva”) and she is quite the princess…

I am so sorry. She was a beautiful friend. Many hugs to you, and tears for all the holes in our hearts.

I’m so sorry, SCL. I know she was well loved.

I’m sorry SCL, I am giving my doggie lots of love right now in honor of Gweniever. He is not sure why this is happening, but he is liking this procedure.

I’m so sorry.

Cats (and dogs!) really are special aren’t they? They know when to love you with snuggles and kisses, and when to just lie quietly at your side in silent companionship, solidarity and support.

What a beautiful kitty, and what a sweet tribute. 17 years of beautiful memories. Rest in Peace, Gwen.

A lovely tribute to a beautiful companion. My condolences to you.

Aw. My own 17-year-old kitty is sitting here on my desk, trying to lick off my moisturizer, and presenting for chin-scratchin’s and face-touchin’s. As much as she annoys the heck out of me sometimes, I know I’ll miss the hell out of her. (They even look the same, in the face.)

Off to kitty cat afterlife, where the bowl is always full and there’s unlimited skritches.

Best to you SCL. Hugs.