RIP Lin Brehmer

Chicago-area Dopers may be interested that long-time WXRT disk jockey Lin Brehmer has died. He had taken a long break from the station while he was being treated for prostate cancer, but returned recently. Unfortunately, the cancer returned too. He was 68.

Lin often called himself “your best friend in the whole world.” He also frequently commented, “It’s great to be alive.”

I’m glad you were alive, Lin, albeit not nearly long enough. And although I never met him, I feel as if I’ve lost a friend.

I saw this news on Facebook this morning. While I wasn’t a big WXRT listener, Brehmer was an icon of Chicago radio, and it’s very sad to hear of his passing.

I’m working from home these days (and Lin moved slots a year or two ago) but, back in the day he was the highlight of my hour commute. Especially Lin’s Bin. His love of music, love of Chicago and calm sincerity was a special treat.

Though, for his gentle persona, I smile to remember him posting on Facebook after the 2016 election. Some listeners took offense to his dismay at the results and were threatening to complain to management about how he should “stick to music”. Lin laughed them off saying that rock & roll has always been entwined with politics and, even if they somehow managed to get him fired, it would be the most rock possible outcome. Obviously that didn’t come to pass.

I don’t think I could do Lin Brehmer justice by talking about how much I loved hearing him on the radio. No wacky stunts, no shock jock tomfoolery, just a warm, personable personality to greet you in the morning. One of the things he did do was his Lin’s Bin where he would answer questions from the audience, intertwining it with appropriate music.

One of his best Lin’s Bins:

Been listening to XRT’s tribute to Lin this morning. They played a Lin’s Bin in which he answered the question, “Where does the time go?”

I admit – I teared up.

Rest in peace, Lin.