OK, mswas, you asked for my opinion on this in the other thread, and here it is.
First, let me repeat what i’ve said before about the Chappaquiddick incident:
That’s pretty much what i still believe.
But, more than that, i was reacting to your disingenuous opening to your earlier thread, in which you said:
But for you, it clearly does pretty much define him, considering that’s about all you have to say about him on the occasion of his death. That’s your right, of course, but it would be more honest not to preface your comments with disingenuous crap like that. Saying you don’t hate someone, and then calling him a murderer, doesn’t really add up most of the time.
Also, in the recent ATMB thread, you said:
To be quite honest, i literally do not believe that you care about Mary Jo Kopechne, nor that you are actually sad about her. The idea that you are sad about the death, over 40 years ago, of a woman you never met is completely preposterous, and leads me to believe that you’re simply posturing.
As for the idea that she’s about to be “forgotten by history,” please spare us the melodrama. The Chappaquiddick incident, all by itself, probably prevented Ted Kennedy from becoming president. Even leaving that aside, it’s become a part of our cultural history. And as long as obsessives like you continue your histrionics over it, that’s unlikely to change.