Rittenhouse and the guy who shot my Red Fox

Not all responses to illegal acts are legal. Killing someone for a misdemeanor offense is not reasonable.

Your well reasoned and prudent belief is neither.

If I were the OP, I would get a restraining order based on him shooting things on my property then get a field cam and get him arrested every time he is within 100’ of my property line.

I’m not sure there are grounds for a restraining order, especially in the sticks.

No, it’s not. A blanket statement that you fear for your life around the sight of a gun being openly carried causes you to fear for your life and that you’ll take lethal force against anyone doing so, even if they aren’t on your property, is not a valid defense.

Are you scared for your life when you see a police officer openly carrying a gun? What about an armed security guard? What about if you were talking to someone and they bent over to tie their shoe and you noticed they had gun holstered behind their back under their jacket? Would you shoot them? If not, why is your sign only directed at open carrying and not concealed carrying?

In fact, it seems to me, that if someone was walking down the (public) street, open carrying, saw you in your yard and saw the sign where you state your intentions, and they shot you, they’d be more likely to be acquitted than you would if you shot them.

That sign tells them in no uncertain terms that you intend to kill them. Them carrying a gun is not a threat to you in any way.

Going back the KR trial for a second. One of the big pieces of evidence in the court of public opinion was the fact that Kyle spoke about shooting people before he actually did it. Meanwhile, you’ve spent a lot of time and energy coming up with scenarios which result in you killing another person. Like, to the point that it’s concerning.
In all honesty, maybe you need to talk to someone before you end up doing something stupid.

Sometime around 1920 my 12 year old uncle Charley and his friends found a shotgun. Charley put on a slouch hat and said, “shoot this here hat offen my head”. His friend raised the shotgun, pulled the trigger and blew his head off.

I have a well reasoned and prudent, innate fear of weapons in my immediate vicinity. And that’s within the criteria of the Rittenhouse decision.

Your fear is not well reasoned.
Seek help.

A fox is vermin, see Fox News for further confirmation.

The fox was not yours, unless by some happenstance you already have a permit for holding this wild animal.

You remain upset about the Rittenhouse verdict. You were mostly wrong about everything that you posted in the thread discussing that event and it has stuck in your craw.

Let it go. There will be new outrages coming up at any moment. Oh, look! There is one now!.

You’re right, and I apologize. I am joking, but I should know better – one man’s joke can take someone else in a whole wrong direction.

Actually, yes. Both of those make me a little anxious. I’m neither so frightened nor do stupid that i assault those people. But yes, seeing them always makes me feel less safe, especially if i notice the gun.

And i think that’s completely rational. The more guns there are near me, the more likely it is that i will be killed

I’m not sure if you meant to phrase it like that or not, but they way you wrote it, it sounds like your fear stems more from the authority figure (police/security). But I’m only saying that because you mentioned spotting the gun…on people that would typically have a gun on them, almost as an after thought.
Regardless, does their presence put you in mortal fear of your life and worried that you’re gonna get in trouble for something. Like when you’re driving with a police car right behind you. You’re not doing anything, but you still get that sinking feeling you’re going to get pulled over.

Would a reasonable person think it’s wise to shoot someone (or someones) for having a gun? Would a reasonable person feel lethal self defense is justified against someone with a holstered gun?

Have you, specifically, you puzzlegal, ever entertained the thought of shooting or otherwise harming someone for having a holstered gun within your line of sight? You don’t have to answer that, just think about your thoughts on the subject vs the OP who has already come up with multiple plans for doing so. Without re-reading the thread, he already suggested a self driving car that will hit the person into a body of water where they’ll drown and a sign stating that anyone with a holstered gun that he can see from his property will be met with lethal force.

I’d just dump a wheelbarrow full of marbles down the sidewalk if he’s walking towards me.

No. But i have voiced irrational fantasies about killing people who have harmed me. I think that’s what’s going on here.

Nonetheless, seeing guns frightens me. Especially hand guns, and other guns that were designed to kill people. Seeing authority figures does not generally frighten me, it’s the guns that do. Police frighten me because i know they carry guns. Seeing the gun makes it more visceral. The first time i saw armed security guards at an airport it really freaked me out.

Maybe i misread you, but i read your post to suggest that police and security guards aren’t scary, despite being armed. Whereas i find them a lot scarier than a hunter. Police and security guards have guns for the purpose of shooting people.

I’m a gun owner and guns creep me out too. It’s why I am so extremely careful with it, keep it locked up, treat it like the dangerous tool of death it is when I handle it (even when I know it’s unloaded, I act like it isn’t). That’s sane.

It’s sorta where I was going with it. Basically I was looking for examples of people for whom carrying a gun is normal. For example, when I see a random person open carrying in my store, it gets my attention. When I see a cop open carrying, I don’t really think much of it.

I’m not sure I’ve ever seen a random citizen open carry. I’ve seen hunters and farmers with guns. I’ve seen people at gun ranges with guns. I’ve seen people plinking in their own backyard. And I’ve seen police and security and military. That last three scare me more than the others.

Regardless, it’s not a valid defense for shooting someone who is legally carrying a weapon.

Our land is posted with signs NO HUNTING, NO TRESPASSING. A few years ago my gf came back from a walk in the woods, angry about someone sitting in a blind on our property. The person was armed.

I messaged our neighbor to see if she’d given anyone permission to hunt (he was near her land), but she had not. We called the police, saying we had an armed trespasser. They took it seriously.

The guy had no ammunition (indeed it was a few weeks before deer season opened). He also did not have a hunting license. He said he was just looking for a place to hunt. The cop confiscated his weapon and took him to the station because he didn’t have any ID.

Why would he carry his gun then? I can understanding scoping out some places to hunt and work on the assumption that he was planning to ask permission before actually hunting. But why carry around a rifle with no ammo and outside of hunting season. Seems like that’s just asking for trouble.

I have to wonder if he saw the police approaching and ditched the ammo in the woods.

It’s a thing. I asked people I know who hunt and they do it too. He was wearing his hunting clothes, acting like he was really hunting, but no license and no ammunition.