Just got a new PC for the family for Christmas, and it seems a waste of speed and power to use a standard modem. Anyone used either Roadrunner or Sprint DSL and what do you think? The package for Roadrunner with cable and movie package is $99.00, which seems a little steep. I currently use a free provider and wireless broadcast for TV/Movies for about $45 a month. Is the speed worth the money?
I use Roadrunner and I think that overall they have a good product, but I don’t really like their customer service. It is really hard to get hold of them if you have to call for assistance. In the 6 months that I’ve had the service, I’ve had to call them twice (once on behalf of someone else), and both times I had to sit on hold for longer than 30 min.
As a personal preference, the speed is well worth the money. If I had to choose between my cable television and my cable modem, the cable modem would win (I like my internet connection that much). As far as the speed being worth the price for you, it depends on what you want. If you’re happy with what you have now and could put the money to better use, stay with a dial up. If you play on-line games, frequent graphic intensive websites, or download a lot of large files, go with the fast access.
I don’t think that RoadRunner has to be that expensive. We have Direct TV and only basic (local) cable. I think that adding RoadRunner was about $45 a month. Since we were able to drop our old ISP and our second phone line it was worth the price to us.
The speed is great. I have never had to wait on hold for Tech Support. I think that every area does it’s own support.
Been using roadrunner for six months. Only complaint is that I’ve had to buy a CD-burner to backup all the porn (sorry that should read, er, knitting patterns or something) I’ve downloaded. Indirect experience with DSL is not good. Stick with cable.
It seems that I am in the minority here. I don’t have Sprint DSL, but have DSL service through Verison back when it was Bell Atlantic. I’ve yet to be disappointed with it. For $39.95 a month I get a 640k connection, plus four email accounts with 20 megs of email storage for each.
Cable has it’s place, and for the most part is fairly reliable. The drawback to it that I’ve seen is the fact that it operates under the “Nodes” principle. If you are in a neighborhood with 100 homes, for example, and you are the only one that has a cable modem, then you will get full use of the 1.5 megabit speeds. But if all 100 homes have a cable modem, and y’all are all online on a Friday night, you have to share that 1.5 megabit bandwidth with the other 99 people, thus giving you only about 150k of the bandwidth.
DSL doesn’t do that. You sign up for 640k, or 1.5 megabits, or even 7.6 megabits, and that’s what you get.
I have roadrunner and I got it as a beta tester, so at the time there were very few other people in my area using it, I’ve noticed almost no slowdown as the popularity grew except in E-mail service, I like it and find it reliable
Have Road Runner after a trial run with the local phone company’s DSL. For $39.95 a month, the phone co’s DSL was not appreciably faster than my own modem. Plus I had to install filters for all my phones because they gave off this high pitched whine. When I called to complain, the dude offered to upgrade me to the next level…to the tune of $99.95 a month.
I don’t think so.
RR is slow on occasion, like trying to access SD mid-afternoon on a Monday (when all you cretins are supposed to be WORKING), but overall the speed is great.
I can’t speak for sprint, but I have a bottom-o-the-line DSL connection with Telus (Canadian) and have yet to be the slightest dissapointed. I have a 1.5MPS connection, average transfer between 120-160K/per sec download time on a good server, and all for $40 canadian a month. I love my DSL, and wouldn’t make the move to cable if they paid me to.