Robert Redford on CNN: Obama is not up to the challenge of leading this country

Can I ask you a dumb question?

What’s the point of coming up with such a clearly, blatantly incorrect interpretation of Redford’s words, and then continuing to insist in its correctness after its obvious wrongness has been repeatedly pointed out to you?

I just don’t see the point. There must be some psychic reward for you here, but I’ll be damned if I can see what it is.


I would phrase it as saying that Obama seems to be missing some parts.

Oh dear. I assumed the OP presented an accurate picture of what Redford said.

If that is not true, then my words are still an accurate picture of my opinion. But I’m disappointed that someone would create a thread if what was said was not accurate.

However, as far as Redford being “just a random actor”, I think that is very unkind and not very accurate considering the man’s accomplishments. He created the Sundance Festival and over the years, his opinions seem to demonstrate (at least IMO) that he is a very intelligent man and his opinions carry much more weight than just any random citizen.

Show business is an extremely tough business. Only a small minority of actors manage to succeed. It takes a lot of talent and a lot of smarts to succeed. So any actor who has become as successful as Redford is worth listening to. His opinions carry much more weight than any random individual.

At least that is my opinion on the matter.

I still believe Obama is not playing with a full deck. He is missing some parts and, IMO, he has been a terrible president. The USA would have been much better off with someone else as president (again, just my opinion).

Anyone want to disagree? If so, please tell us what Obama has done to reverse the economic downturn and help turn around the economy of the country. I can’t see much of anything. He has talked a lot about the greatness of the nation. But he has not done a lot more than just talk.

Your opinion is wrong.

What … like he needs some spare nuts?

Frankly, Lazlo Hapsburg’s opinion is irrelevant to the subject of the thread, which is about Robert Redford’s comments on the situation in Washington and echo7tango’s complete mis-statement of those comments. It’s not really a “What do you feel about the President’s performance?” thread.

Damn. I was all ready to try a one-liner like this:

…but I see the OP completely botched the quote.

“It’s almost too much for one person” means it is almost too much for any person. That’s not a criticism of Obama specifically. If he’d said “It’s too much for him,” you might be right. He plainly said something else.

Are you implying that all non-Republicans have not based their lives upon his teachings? BLASPHEMY!

More like different-colored skin, is my guess.


If you want to pick cherries, grasshopper, first you must find a cherry tree.

Who else did you have in mind, and why couldn’t you get them elected?

I also want to know who this other person is who is up to the challenge of leading this country. Please name a specific person rather than using vague terms like “someone who could…”

The right thinks it’s a uber-conservative who only implements conservative policy and never compromises. While that may make them happy, the country is not made up of uber-conservative people. So who is this person who can join together both the liberals and conservatives in perfect harmony?

Other presidents in the past have led admirably, while what we see today is weakness and blaming the other side for inability to get things done. The job is too big for him.

Hillary might do better in 2016. She’d have the polical savvy toget things done.

I’m sure that’s what you think. It’s not what Redford said.

Sometimes people blame other people for things because the other people actually were responsible. Ya know, like how the current GOP routinely blocks Obama’s proposals.

For what it’s worth, Robert Redford will tell you differently.

echo7tango, your reading comprehension could use some work.

His opinions carry weight only because he’s famous and was once handsome. He’s reasonably intelligent but his opinions are often not deep, just stated by a handsome guy who talks well and everybody has heard of. We at the SDMB are neither famous nor handsome (don’t deny it–I’ve met quite a few of you) and he’d be on the second string in Great Debates if he posted under a pseudonym. Outside his field he really is just a random citizen.

I’ve heard him interviewed, read what he’s written, don’t agree with all he says, and think he’d do better than most here if he posted. Which doesn’t mean that his opinons should or do matter any more than anyone else’s, whether they are supportive of Obama and critical of Congress (as they are) or critical of Obama (as falsely claimed by the op) or other.

Funny trivia - he coached Carter for his debates.

And he’s still a handsome man.

“Better than most here” is still second string. You, for example, could make him cry uncle.

As for his looks, I think he overdid the sun (blonds don’t keep) but when Indecent Proposal came out my wife said, “No, Robert Redford is free. Idi Amin is a million dollars.”