Robert Redford on CNN: Obama is not up to the challenge of leading this country

See below, and I see that you might not disagree that Redford might have said that. As far as Redford being a reliable indicator, that’s for others to judge.

Again, see my reply below.

Therefore, you allow for the possibility that Redford said that. See my reply below where I point to where he does that.

So, you agree with Redford then.

Oh it most certainly does have something to do with it. Being an effective leader (as opposed to trying hard at it) means one can rally support for one’s initiatives and build consensus for them, among friend and foe. Consensus, not unanimity.

If so, then clearly he’s a weak leader who’s not up to the task of leading this country. You agree with Redford.

Mostly agree, and I’ll add that Obama is very charismatic, intelligent, and good at heart.

And, I agree that the Republicans lost, plain and simple. There’s no woulda, coulda, shoulda. And yeah, the Rs need to turn it around so that we have two real people to choose from.

You miss a key part. See below.

My paraphrasing was spot-on.

Games? I’m only relating what Redford said.

Again, see below and my paraphrasing was spot-on.

That’s not what Redford said at all. There’s a fundamental difference between “Obama can’t govern” and “This country is ungovernable” even if the outcome is the same.

Read below. And, just what are lizard people? Is that a D&D reference?

Did you even watch the interview?

David Icke.

Funny. Actually I pulled it out of Redford’s own words.

Therefore we don’t have a leader strong enough, and adept enough, to do the job.

That’s what Redford said.

Okay, so here it is. Again, the transcript is here (thanks to those who found and provided that above): - Transcripts

The paraphrasing is of part of Redford’s conclusions and not his entire message. It is accurate.

The two parts where Redford says that Obama is not up to the challenge of leading this country are these. Emphases mine.


One of Redford’s conclusion is that Obama is not up to the challenge of leading this country. Put another way, he says – Oh, the poor guy, he’s in over his head. But hey, he is a nice guy.

Those above who pasted the transcript missed some relevant parts. The entire Obama-related transcript context follows.

(Again, emphases mine)

Clearly, Redford believes Obama is not up to the challenge of leading this country. That wasn’t his main message, but it is one of them.

I don’t think there’s much else to say. Have a nice day folks.

Why do you care? Why does anybody care? Some random actor gave his opinion about the president. This is news? This warrants a thread?

Er, technical note: OP, in the future do you mind learning to multi-quote, rather than do several posts all with the same exact answer? That started to grate.

Oh, and BTW I (a) do not agree with your conclusion on Redford’s answer and (b) get more of a feeling that Redford’s trying to say nobody could handle this, and I disagree with THAT. But FWIW I did not care about Hollywood’s opinion of Barack pro or con all the way back in 08 when so why should I start caring for it now?

There were 160 republican amendments to the bill. How many would it take to show actual “compromise”?

Really? You put all that effort into that desperately pathetic bit of spin? “Redford says no one can govern the country, therefore he’s saying that Obama can’t do his job, therefore Obama suXX0r5 LOL”? You rephrase, and then rephrase your rephrase, and then claim victory?

I really don’t understand why you bothered. You’ve fooled no one here. I mean, even if Redford had expressed a negative opinion of Obama - which he hasn’t specifically - what difference does it make?

Not even slightly.