Rodrigo y Gabriela

Have you guys heard of this duo? Maybe I’m the last to know, but I recently ‘discovered’ them. They’re Mexican acoustic guitar players who weren’t appreciated in their own country so they went to Ireland where they’d heard that
Dublin was particularly welcoming to traveling musicians. It proved to be true.

Wiki - Rodrigo y Gabriela

Here’s a youtube clip:



Don’t feel bad, I just found out about them not too long ago myself. My husband and I saw them recently at the Chicago World Music Festival and were awestruck. We were sitting in the balcony and I spent most of the time looking at Gabriela’s hands through binoculars.

OH GOD I HATE THAT VIDEO! I want to shoot the director, or at the very least, slap him silly. He has the insane idea that just because it’s two people sitting there playing, he has to make up for the lack of movement by changing camera angles and shots every 1.5 seconds, zooming the camera in and out and including lots of audience shots. Worse still, he seems to have a problem with showing Gabriela’s hands closeup, and she’s who people want to see. Moronic fucking cretin!

More interesting is this video of the two giving guitar tips. You can see exactly what Gabriela is doing:

Rodrigo Y Gabriela Guitar Tips

This one seems to be from the same session as you posted (from a DVD perhaps?) and so it has the same I’M THE DIRECTOR LOOK AT ME FUCK RODRIGO Y GABRIELA bullshit happening (to be fair, the audience are the same way with their screaming and yelling and talking all throughout the song), but Gabriela’s hands are shown a bit more than in the one above.

Diablo Rojo (Rodrigo y Gabriela)

You’d hardly know it from those videos, but they actually are truly great in concert. Rodrigo said that their background back in Mexico City was in a thrash metal band, and not flamenco music (which he insists they don’t play).

I was going to buy their album, but seeing Gabriela play is half the fun. Now if only they would release a DVD that actually respects her (and his) playing.