Romney + Ryan = Bromance?


You have described Romney beautifully.

Soon, he’ll be the actor that cheesy kids flicks like Home Alone 9 hire to play the evil CEO.

I get sort of a 1960’s Batman TV series vibe regarding Romney and Ryan, with Romney the low-key, sort of wooden-acting older mentor of the young, hyper, nasal, tenor-voiced Ryan. Of course there could have been a bromance between Batman and Robin.

Yea, pretty much all Pres/VP candidates feel the need to act like soulmates. Its just a little more awkward here due to the personalities of the two men.

Its also a little more strained here since Romney and Ryan presumably didn’t actually know each other personally till a few weeks ago. Compare Obama/Biden and Kerry/Edwards, who were both in the Senate together for several years and participated in umpteen primary debates, and Bush/Cheney where Cheney worked for Bush’s father and then worked for Bush Jr’s campaign.

(Palin wouldn’t have known McCain till she was considered as the VP, but for all her other faults, she was pretty good at playing BFF with McCain, at least until his campaign went into its final tailspin.)

Really? I thought Mittens recovered well, and with humor to boot.

False. Mittens is only, oh, *infinitely *hotter than Ryan. Yes, I feel dirty admitting that I find Mitchell to be outragingly physically attractive, but the guy is handsome. He’s got a great face, is slim, and has grey hair in the perfect movie guy areas. Ryan just looks like some overgrown frat douche.

Whatever. They’re both assholes.

My female friends who are interested in presidential politics think Mr. Obama is attractive, Mrs. Obama is very fine and the two men running for the position of POTUS and VPOTUS look like the result from a casting call for some drama from the 1970s.

I am merely the messenger, but one of the ladies MADE me post this.

(I do hope it is worth it.)

I can’t be impartial about Michelle Obama because I’m ever so slightly obsessed with her, but I can say Mr. Obama is just okay. He’s clearly not unattractive, and certainly the most attractive pres we’ve had so far, but that’s also in part because, I mean really, look at those guys. But if Mittens were to become in charge (oh gods forbid), that’d change. Sorry, good sense and decency, but that creepy asshole Mormon is a good looking dude, and not just for a politician. Like, objectively so.


I should shower now.

Romney is, if nothing else, well preserved. I thought he was about a decade younger then his actual age (65). Granted I imagine a good part of it is generous helpings of Just for Men, but still.


I wanted to make that joke. <SULKS><POUTS>

OMG, I thought that was a typo or something. Now that I’ve looked it up, I bow to you.

The new adventures of Vulture Man and Voucher Boy.

Not to take anything away from Ryan’s noodling* or anything… but Obama looks athletic and is okay looks wise. But he really does sing well and I find him very cute when he sings.

*funny noodling redneck fishing catfishing - YouTube