Ron Paul

The weird thing is that nobody regards that as his greatest speech. Other than the “so many to so few” line, no-one remembers any of it. Contract “we shall fight them on the beaches.”

They’ve started topping themselves? Looks like MKULTRA is still out in force then!

Any candidate willing to take on the war machine is going to get screwed. Ron Paul has guts!

Ron Paul isn’t taking on anything in any way that matters.

This is interesting…an article from Alternet chronicles how Ron Paul–despite being completely ignored by the media–has been quietly working the delegate process to stack the numbers in his favor.

In Massachusetts, which Romney won with 72% of the vote, less than half of his nominated delegates were chosen in the caucus. In Lousiana, Paul managed to corral 70% of delegates to the state convention in June–where the delegates to the national GOP convention will be chosen. And in Iowa–where delegates are “unbound” by the caucus results in January–Paul supporters now control the GOP and hence the delegate-selection process.

Now, this doesn’t mean that Paul will “steal” Romeny’s votes for the nomination–Iowa excepted, most delegates are pledged to support Romney–but the delegates also choose the convention chairman, vote on platforms, and generally (if they press hard enough) have the right to approve a VP pick. In short, they can threaten to make the convention in Tampa look very messy if they don’t get what they want. From the article, the CW seems to be that Paul is looking for his son Rand Paul to have a prominent spot at the convention (think Pat Buchanan at the 1996 convention), or perhaps even a real shot at Veep.

Isn’t"straw poll" just a polite way of saying “poll that doesn’t count”?

Also in the off chance that Romney doesn’t get the majority he needs on the first ballot, Paul supporters who voted for Romney are unbound for the second ballot. Not likely, but should be interesting nonetheless.