So in my new flat, right by the kitchen, I have a door. Door-frame and hinges are showing, but there’s no knob. The door is sealed/painted shut.
With my tape measure, and measuring walls and spaces around this door, I’ve been able to ascertain that the space behind the door is about 3 feet by 6 feet.
I had one of these in a Townhouse in Herndon, VA. We found 28 Mainframe computer tapes that had been stolen from the DMA. The ex-tenant was a Russian Spy, no kidding at all.
I had a little cubby painted shut in a place I rented years ago. One night I was searching for tickets I had misplaced. I searched room-by-room, looking everywhere. I was so worked up that I used a screwdriver and got the door open. It was empty.
If the space also shares a wall with the hallway outside the apartment, and if there’s also a door in that wall, I’ll say it’s the icebox (the door in the hallway is for ice delivery), and, with the advent of electricity, the apartment was renovated by the laziest landlord in all the land.
It’s not in the kitchen, it’s in the living area. And it appears to be an exterior quality door, or at least a very well built interior door–not a flimsy pantry door. Why such a heavy door for a simple pantry? There has to be something behind there–I know it.