I’ve been banging my head about a rounding issue in SQL Server for a little while now with no luck so thought I’d turn to you guys to see if any of you have suggestions.
We have a product whose price includes fractions of a cent. For example, 78.35 cents per pound. When we invoice our clients we simply charge them the total weight of the product they buy * the price, round to 2 decimals, and store that value in our database.
Now I’m trying to generate some reports which we’ll be using in the office that breaks some of those shipments into lots. When I calculate sub totals for each lot and display as a price to the consumer, I end up getting a rounding error in the end. The totals of the invoiced amounts for each lot don’t add up to the actual invoice amount.
If I was just using this report in a program I could easily modify the last invoice value and put the rounding error in there so that everything would total in the end. But these numbers will be used in multiple reports both now and in the future so I’d much rather the SQL view take care of the problem.
Is there any way, in a view in SQL, that I can apply some programming logic to handle the rounding issue on the detailed breakdown?
Let’s say, for a particular lot, the total price would be $100.
That lot was broken into three sales, of the following values
Sale 1: Actual cost: $25.454 - stored as $25.45
Sale 2: Actual cost: $35.234 - stored as $35.23
Sale 3: Actual cost: $39.312 - stored as $39.31
So, the actual total adds to $100, but the stored totals add to $99.99?
That’s not a SQL problem, that’s a business logic problem.
EDIT: what will be more problematic is when the rounding goes the other way and someone wants to know why you charge $100.01 for something that costs $100.
That’s the problem, but it’s 1 sale broken into multiple shipments, or in this case, containers. We’re trying to show the invoiced value per container on a ship. If the customer adds up what we say on the container he may get a different value than what he was charged based purely because his price was rounded once vs a cumulative rounding error over 15 or 20 containers.
JerrySTL, I think what the OP is saying is the customer was charged $100.00, and that’s what’s stored in the database. Now he has a report that breaks this into 3 lots. To take a simple case of equal amounts in each, the report shows $33.33 for each lot, summing to $99.99. The total amount ($100.00) is what is stored, so changing a datatype or rounding in the database won’t help.
Frazzled, if I understand correctly, I think you want a view that picks one lot to apply the difference to, right? So in the example above, the report would calculate one lot as ($100.00 - 33.33 - 33.33) = $33.34?
I don’t think you can do that with a single view. Maybe you could create a view that calculates the difference of the summed lots and the invoiced totals, then your report could add that to one lot.
Or you could take the most common approach and add a note at the bottom of the report, “due to rounding, the sum of all lots might not equal the invoiced amount.”
I’ve had this come up with catch weight customers and in cases of prorated shipment costs multiple times.
There are a few ways to handle it depending on the situation but it sounds like you want to assign the error/difference to one lot so here’s an example solution:
-- Calc Lot Amount plus error (for min lot)
,(case when LH.LotNumber<>t1.min_LotNumber
then LH.LotAmount
else LH.LotAmount + (OH.Order_Amount - T1.sum_LotAmount) end) as ResolvedLotAmnount
-- Order Hdr, Lot Hdr and Lot Dtl you are interested in
from OrderHeader OH
inner join LotHeader LH
on OH.OrderNumber=LH.OrderNumber
inner join LotDetail LD
on LH.LotNumber=LD.LotNumber
-- Get total order info
join ( --
-- Summarize by Order
,min(LotNumber) as min_LotNumber
,sum(LotAmount) as sum_LotAmount
from ( --
-- Summarize by Lot
-- Add whatever rounding you do at either detail level or at summary level or both
,sum(LD2.Qty * LD2.Price) as LotAmount
from OrderHeader OH2
inner join LotHeader LH2
on OH2.OrderNumber=LH2.OrderNumber
inner join LotDetail LD2
on LH2.LotNumber=LD2.LotNumber
group by
) t0
group by
) t1
on OH.OrderNumber=t1.OrderNumber