Rum Soaked Cherries

Now that cherry season is here (yay!) I plan to make som erum or whiskey soaked cherries. I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions for a good brand of whiskey or rum to soak the cherries in. Thanks. :slight_smile:

I pickled some cherries in Southern Comfort once. They were yummy, and the Southern Comfort tasted great after the cherries were removed.

I generally just the cheapest bourbon I can find. Around here that is usually 10 High.

My recipe: Layer the bottom of a Mason jar with sugar cubes. Add several cloves. Pack a layer of cherries into jar. Add a few more sugar cubes and cloves. More cherries. Put a few cubes and cloves on the top. Fill jar with cheap bourbon. Screw on lid tight and store in a cool dark place for 6 months. Serve the cherries over French Vanilla ice cream with the liquor on the side. :smiley: