just a rumor for now, this might just be some nerd’s wet dream, but here you go.
ASSUMING THIS IS TRUE, i say good for Lucas for restoring Han shooting first, but Boo for Jar Jar’s return.
just a rumor for now, this might just be some nerd’s wet dream, but here you go.
ASSUMING THIS IS TRUE, i say good for Lucas for restoring Han shooting first, but Boo for Jar Jar’s return.
I swear I’ve seen this list before, and I think it is just a nerd’s wet dream
probably, supposedly it was posted before by some random guy, but i can’t get the link to work as it wants a login.
Episode IV:
I’m not too happy about #4, #12 (b/c Yoda hasn’t been introduced), or #17, but #7 may make up for those.
#21 is a fairly huge addition.
Episode V:
Any bets on whether #6 will be handled in a ham-fisted manner? #8 is an interesting addition, though it’s odd that DV would turn C-3PO over to his enemies instead of keeping his old droid for himself.
Episode VI:
#7 reminds me of a parody I’ve seen of those ads for Snuggles fabric softener, in which a deranged teddy bear chases a terrified family around their house.
The link should be this.
Episode VI, #12 makes me go :smack:
Unsubstantiated and almost certainly apocryphal fanboy masturbation. The likelihood of any of these actually happening is approximately equal to pigs crawling out of my butthole.
<oink oink> Get back in there.
What? Where?
I’d be happy if they just show a naked or at the very least, shirtless, young Obi-Wan.
Haven’t we talked about this before, Guin? You need to go see The Pillow Book.
You even get to see his lightsaber.
Yeah, if I can FIND it.
And yeah, I know Ewan’s naked in about 90 percent of his movies, but I want to see him naked as Obi-Wan.
Frankly, I don’t care if the additions consist solely of Lucas jerking off as Jar Jar counts all the money George has made provided that the original versions of the films are available! That’s what I want, not any of the other crap. (Although, if Lucas decides to redo TPM and AOTC so that we get to see Natalie Portman nekkid, I’m all for it.)
Episode V #08
Stolen from Star Wars Tales issue 9 I do believe. Regardless it is in the Star Wars Tales TPB vol 2, story called Thank The Maker set on Bespin with flashbacks to Anakin building Threepio. Last page has Vader demanding the busted up droid be taken to the Wookiee to give him what he deserves.
That there tells me the list is fake.
Utter fanboy urban legend HORSESHIT if I’ve ever seen it.
Yeah, that’s what we need. More South Auckland accents in SW :rolleyes:
I hope it’s just rumor.