
What rumors did you hear growing up?I always heard if you open a golf ball,it would explode.Debunked in a great book called Rumor! Also,that if you saw Cecil in person during a full monn,you…AAAWKKKKK!!!

Pick your neighbors nose-Lenny Bruce.

The brilliant cartoonist/writer Gahan Wilson did a slew of these childhood horrors, and illustrated them, in the NATIONAL LAMPOON back in the 1970s.

Things like “This child must touch every board in the fence on his way home. If he misses a single one, he knows he will be eaten.”

And “This child knew that eating milk and cherries together was poison but his mother didn’t believe it and she made him do it and now she is sorry.”


If you swallow your gum, it will stick your insides together…whenever I got a ‘stitch’ in my side, I thought it was the gum.

  • You may not touch the cracks between the tiles in the pavement on your way home from school, or you WILL die very soon and very horrible;

  • Watching TV with no light in the room is bad for your eyes;

  • Cracking your knuckles will give you arthritis;

  • Drinking Bailey’s and Tonic or Bitter Lemon (even shortly after each other) will cause a giant solid mass in your stomach, which then needs to be pumped (apparently this one’s true.


“You know how complex women are”

  • Neil Peart, Rush (1993)

If you drink cold water after a run, you’ll have a heart attack (I was five when I was warned of that one by a Teacher!!).

Coca Cola will rot your guts. It can rust a nail overnight (I’ve now figured out that it was the carbonation that does that, not the ingredients of Coke).

Bending over and touching your toes is good for you. HA!

No pain, no gain. (Yeah, right - pain is your body’s way of telling you to STOP before you damage yourself!)

i herd that masterbation wil leed too bad speling. and punktuation, i for one (dont( beleve it?

Yer pal,

Oh saytun,itz nawt troo et awl!!!

Pick your neighbors nose-Lenny Bruce.

If you eat watermelon seeds, a watermelon will sprout in your stomach.

Well, I’ll be dipped…now that I think about it, I did have some watermelon last January. :wink:

Maybe not. But if you have one of those “swing trainers” that is basically a cheap golf ball on a rope that goes round and round a frame when struck, and the cheap golf ball breaks, and you decide you can fix it yourself using a real golf ball, and you grab a random golf ball from your bag, and put it on a drill press, and drill to the center before you realize it’s a liquid core ball…well, explode is a pretty good description.

Contents under pressure, indeed.

The overwhelming majority of people have more than the average (mean) number of legs. – E. Grebenik

[list][li]Don’t swallow Pop Rocks; your stomach will explode.[/li][li]If you swallow chewing gum, it’ll stay in your guts for years.[/li]Don’t accept apples at Halloween. Evil people put razor blades in them.


AWB, you might wanna check ou this link…

It’s true, I’m afraid… thank god we have no such thing as Halloween here in Holland :wink:


“You know how complex women are”

  • Neil Peart, Rush (1993)

“* Drinking Bailey’s and Tonic or Bitter Lemon (even shortly after each other) will cause a giant solid mass in your stomach, which then needs to be pumped (apparently this one’s true.

Coldfire, you gotta help me out with this one! Cite something, man.

“The intellectuals’ chief cause of anguish are one another’s works.”
Jacques Barzun
Cheers! CAL

Errrmmmm no scientific proof available currently, but apparently the creamy stuff that makes Bailey’s reacts with the kinine (sp?) in Tonic or Bitter Lemon, resulting in a solid mass. If this mass is big enough, your stomach has to be emptied. I’ll try and ome up with a decent link or something.


“You know how complex women are”

  • Neil Peart, Rush (1993)

OK, I’ve got Bailey’s and some tonic and some bitter lemon at home. The theory is, that if I mix them, i should get a solid mass, right? I’m not jerking your chain on this. I’m gonna try this when I get home tonight. I don’t expect a steel-like ball to form, but I will be truly amazed if the concoction even turns mildly thick. This just sounds too good to be true… You don’t want to know where I’m going with this if it turns out to be the least bit successful…

“The intellectuals’ chief cause of anguish are one another’s works.”
Jacques Barzun
Cheers! CAL

Also that if you misspell moon(duh!) you must marry c#3! :frowning: No,that would be too horrible!Wasn’t there a thread awhile back about the one I heard where you look in the mirror in the dark,light a candle,you’ll see your future mate?

Pick your neighbors nose-Lenny Bruce.

IIRC There’s a shot which has Bailey’s in it, I think it’s called a ‘Bloody Brain’.

Anyway, it’s Bailey’s, Rose’s Lime Juice, and grenadine.

You put a 1/2 shot of Bailey’s into the shot glass and fill the rest with the Rose’s. The Bailey’s will coagulate into a ball-like form, kind of floating in the rest of the green juice, then you dribble the grenadine over the top. It should sink and stick to the ball.


Not that that was on topic. Duh.

My Mom always told me that the big giant rotating lights used at car dealerships were used to search the sky for giants.

No, not the football players. :slight_smile:

don’t forget about the cement mixer.

I think its a shot of Baileys and A shot of lime.
You take the liquid in your mouth and swish it around and it coagulates in your mouth. Yuck!

If you kiss your elbow, you will grow up to be the opposite sex. A good rumor: very difficult to disprove. One of my friends and I kisssed one another’s elbows, just to see what that would do.

Hippies like to spray little kids with hallucinogenic drugs. This was also told as “hippies like to spray acid on little kids”, which I never interpreted as a drug reference, but something much scarier.

There is a swarm of killer bees headed here from Mexico. When they arrive, they will kill everyone in the United States.

The H-bomb can blow up the world (not just a large area - not just irradiate the world - blow it into little pieces).

If there were a nuclear war, the United States would nuke every nation on Earth just to be sure no country was strong enough to dominate the remains.

China is on the other side of the world. (Of course, this one is true - if you live in Angola. It just surprises me that people would pick a country in the Northern hemisphere to be on the other side of the world from the U.S. I mean, can’t you at least pick something south of the Equator?)


Could be that your stomach acids are a vital requirement for the solid mass to form… really no clue here :wink:
Let me know the results of your experiment, will you ?

And no, you don’t HAVE to barf up your stomach acids if you really don’t want to :slight_smile:


“You know how complex women are”

  • Neil Peart, Rush (1993)