Recently I’ve been trying to go for a short run a few days a week. Sometimes I end up taking this run late at night, like between 10AM and midnight. For some reason, when I run that late I feel like I maybe shouldn’t be doing it, like it may annoy the neighbors or the cops or something.
I live in a residental neighborhood in the suburbs. There are very few people out at this time, I may see 1 or 2 cars during a 30 minute run. Usually no one outside at all, at most 1 or 2 people. I haven’t came across any cops while running late night, but I wouldn’t be surprised to. There are no sidewalks, but it is fairly well lit by some streetlights.
I am not at all concerned about safety issues. There is little to no crime in my town. I’m an adult male, so I don’t worry about someone trying to rape me or something like that. Even though there aren’t sidewalks, I have really no chance of getting hit by a car because I would see one comming a mile away, I wear bright enough clothing and it is a somewhat well lit area, and I get way out of the way of any car that might happen by.
My main worry is that I will scare or annoy residents. I could see someone being freaked out if they saw or heard me outside this late. Sometimes dogs start barking when I pass certain houses. I can see how someone could mistake me running around for a prowler or something like that, even though I stay on the streets, wear running clothes, etc. Do you think I may be pissing off some neighbors by doing this? Would they have a right to be pissed? Could they do anything about it, like report me or something?
I guess I’m also concerned that cops may hassle me if I ever come accross one this late. This hasn’t happened yet though. Could the cops do anything to me if they saw me out that late? I realize that to know for sure I should contact the local police department, but is that even something I would need to bother with? Is it at all likely for there to be restrictions in my town against running that late?
Well, I’m off for a late night run right now. Thanks for checking out this thread.
If you’re in or near your own neighborhood, and carry ID, the police shouldn’t be a problem. My first thought, which you addressed, but I feel needs to be stressed for all the night-owl joggers out there (we have quite a few around here) is make sure you are visible!
You should carry ID on you when you are jogging in case something happens to you. If you get hurt and are unable to speak you want the police/hospital to know who to contact don’t you? It is just smart.
Midnight isn’t really that late. I might wonder if I saw someone running down the street and 3:00 in the morning but I wouldn’t think twice about midnight. Lots of people are still up at midnight.
Besides, when you are out jogging I am sure that you don’t look like a prowler. You look like a jogger. Don’t wear black clothes and run through the neighbor’s back yards and you should be okay.
When I used to run, I ran after dark. Not quite as late as you, Blunt, but it wasn’t uncommon for me to finish running as late as 9:30. I ran, though, downtown. I doubt I was disturbing anyone.
I had this nifty running pack from Nike in which I carried my keys, ID, medical card, phone card and debit card. It was flat, not puffy like a fanny pack. I highly recommend getting in the habit of carrying ID, at the very least.
Being visible is the #1 priority - I wouldn’t stop at “bright clothing”, make sure that there are reflective strips on it, too. Depends on the neighbourhood, of course.
As for ID, I’ve always been in the habit of carrying my old Army dogtags. After moving to the states, I added an extra tag (in the shape of a doggie bone, heh) with address, phone number etc. - if I should get hit by a bus or something. It’s a very basic precaution.
I’ve never heard of people getting mad at runners (except when trespassing) - if dogs can’t shut up when there’s traffic on the street, it’s a problem for the owners, not you.
As for police, I think you’re underestimating their street smarts. They generally won’t have the time nor the inclination to hassle you - you’re not a crook, you’re a runner. If anything, having people awake and about makes their job easier.
I’ve been stopped by police while jogging at night.
Of course, I wasn’t wearing jogging clothes… I had missed the last bus and so decided to run home (because it’s a long long walk, and my dress shoes are comfy enough for running).
They looked at me funny, and went on their merry way once I explained the situation.
I mean, what are they going to charge you with, disturbing the peace?