
So, in his private, non drag queen, life, is RuPaul

a) A happily married heterosexual with kids


b) gay

I’ve always thought it was a, and the drag queen was just a job for him, but a friend of mine told me that no, he’s gay and has breast implants.

So, does anyone know which it is?

He’s gay, I think I saw an interview of him one time and he said he had a boyfriend. I don’t believe he’s had implants though…he just stuffs and tucks. heheh.

Love him, he’s hilarious…


No implants, though. He does the whole drag thing with just clothing and makeup. He’s got a bio of sorts out there where he describes his routine for getting into drag.

I’ve seen a couple pictures of him without the drag and he doesn’t look particularly effeminate. And he once pointed out in an interview that at home he doesn’t do the vacuuming and other housework at home in stilletto heels and a dress but rather prefers sweats for lounging around. His working costume is just that - a costume he wears on the job.

See also: Lily Savage (a.k.a. Paul O’Grady), Dame Edna Everage (a.k.a. Barry Humphries), and Danny La Rue (a.k.a Daniel Carroll) other notable, if substantially less glamorous, drag acts.

And let’s not forget Billy Tipton. The Master speaks:
What’s the story on the female jazz musician who lived as a man?

jr8 - it’s a fine line, but I think Dame Edna is more a persona than a drag act. She isn’t the only character that Barry Humphries does (see Sir Les Patterson). I don’t know if such a clarification exists, but I’ve never thought of Barry as a drag queen :slight_smile:

I agree, but I didn’t want to let the opportunity pass to mention him (her).

I understand that Dame Edna has appeared/is going to appear on Ally McBeal, of all things. How funny.

I was watching some VHI countdown show and they had a bit of commentary from RuPaul as a man. His name on the screen was RuPaul Jones (or whatever his last name was). I had to look hard to realize that he was THE RuPaul. He was an ordinary looking guy–with faaabulous teeth.

RuPaul = Paul André Charles. He did an out-of-drag cover photo for Out magazine a few years ago - very freckled and with a goatee(!). I’ve seen him a couple of times on the street in NYC - when he’s out of drag what you really notice is how tall and slender he is. (I think he’s about 6’5" in socks.) He really does look pretty ordinary otherwise. As for how much the persona reflects his personality…one of the times I saw him he was hailing a cab, and the sweep of his arm, with his hand sailing skyward 'til his fingertips seemed to touch the streetlamp, showed fully well that you can take boy out of the girl clothes but you can’t quite take the girl out of the boy.

RuPaul frequently appears in movies and T.V. shows out of drag. Check out the T.V. movie “An Unexpected Life” starring Stockard Channing for an example of RuPaul appearing totally male.

He’s probably the only actor who has been separately credited both as “Himself” and “Herself”.