Russia invades Ukraine {2022-02-24} (Part 1)

I have not seen any video from Mariupol lately. May we assume they are no longer in communication? Perhaps they are all dead. I suppose starvation set in days ago.

Jumping off the discussion of Finland, their internal support for joining NATO has increased significantly.

You’ll want to read this article I think concerning Mariupol.

Sure, but what I mean is, it would be much better from a PR standpoint to have “Weapons-Gift Act” rather than “Lend-Lease”, I suppose.

In a weird way Lend-Lease is probably better. Even the Russians probably remember the US sending equipment over to fight the Axis. It surely means a lot to the EU and Ukraine. The UK especially.

On social media there are various videos coming out of Mariupol.

In this one the marines commander calls for a Dunkirk-style rescue mission.


Unfortunately, a Dunkirk-style evacuation by the sea would, I would think, be completely out of the question. The English Channel is 20 miles (30 km) wide and the British had naval and air support. The distance between Ukrainian-held Odesa and Mariupol is around 500 miles (800 km) and a rescue fleet would need to go around Crimea, through the Kerch Strait and into the Sea of Azov. A land rescue would seem more plausible, since the front line is around 40 miles (60 km) away.

Yesterday’s Institute for the Study of War campaign assessment commented on reports that Valery Gerasimov, the highest-ranking officer of the Russian Armed Forces, is “in theater” and personally commanding operations.

From today, this would be interesting, if true:

Not if the PR is aimed at Americans. Taxes and government expenditures trump everything. Calling it a loan is the only way to get it past the budget hounds.

Excellent! We know how well that tactic worked for Hitler.

Especially the part where he ordered Steiner to counterattack :rofl:

Excellent, usually spooks like ex-KGB don’t make good commanders; it’s not like Putin ever drove tanks or fired arty.

Technically this could be considered the second invasion. Remember in 2014 the world stood by and let Putin annex Crimea.

Can the U.N. intervene, even if for a purely humanitarian op, if certain parties in the Security Council veto intervention?

I don’t know the run rules for authorizing an intervention like that article describes.

Reports coming in about a shootout between Russian forces in Kiselivka, in the Kherson region.

50 Buryats started shooting against 50 Chechens after the Chechens stole goods that the Buryats had looted from Ukrainian homes.

Killed & injured on both sides before FSB intervened.

Small victory? Too bad it doesn’t happen more often. That would help the war effort.

I see now on the the end of that tweet that 2 Russian helicopters collided because of a drunk pilot. Can’t see it on a news source yet.

Hoping for a massive missile strike on Red Square on 5/9 as the procession of vehicles goes down the Square…

I’m more hoping that some of the people in the parade remember the assassination of Anwar Sadat during similar circumstances.